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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 7 Seven

Word Count: 1519    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

Ray's good attitude might just be camouflage. This man may be deliberately cultivating

lexa will not b

nd seductive turns out to be m

on failed

," Ray offered as soon as the elev

ders. I can't bot

I don't think our ages are much

y, how ol

old this year.

m 2

that's quite a young age t

rugged. "You

s, you bastard?!' she

g through the introductory phase of their parents' arranged ma

go first before leading her out. Well, he is such a gentleman, but she obviously wouldn't be interested in his fake gesture. The


car in a mome

Ray. I'm

ht isn't always safe,

like a taxi was better than having to share a car with h

ay, I'll go first


d he remained silent in his red car and slumped his back against the back of the seat. He

by business. It was just that the attitude shown by her felt strange to him. Usually women would tr

s very

arking basement. He deliberately passed by the restaurant lobby to make sure Alexa had left, and that the w

oticed how Alexa was shivering slightly because of the ni

hifted unc

facing her directly. "You might have no proble

n even though the doo

nd will

s grabbed by him, and she was pushed in rathe

or your health." Ray got into the driver's se

er like this, I'm actua

led manly if they leave women

p standing on the

n't sa


her. "Why do you seem to be avoiding me

e made her felt even colder under his demanding eyes. In fact, even th

aybe I have offended

offended, I was

y's handsome face. The thin hairs of his beard regularly cast a shadow on the other side of his face.

ma with men. I didn't mean to be unple

your situation, I al

r w

car seat. The shadow of the lamp hid part of his tall and st

finally answered, "Last time at a clothi

tead remembers something quite trivial. How many things does he alwa


ough she was on the verge of consciousness, she would never forget Ray's

me, right?" His voi

We're business partners now.

be emotional. That's a un


me," Ray started the car without conse

that pre

ur later they arrived at her house which was not far from the main road. On the right and left of

pen the door. "Th

he tip of her heel got caught und

't the li

uldn't maintain his balance, but his hand managed to find the handle at the end of the door. He couldn't say a word whe

lexa covered her mouth w

ld be the one asking. You sudde

xperienced it somewhere, except t

ck under me, when I was about to stand up I fell, acciden

removed. She stiffened when Ray's fingers touched her skin, this man was like electricity. He didn't

ed to wearing heel


out. A little scratched. "Don't wear shoes

hen Ray helped put on the shoe, even tying the laces neat

nd whether this was h

rlfriend right now, Ray. You're s

Ray would give a faint smile

Alexa didn't feel like continuing the topic of conversation a

otten man, Ray. But ... soon she will def

be cont

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