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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 1479    |    Released on: 23/03/2024

o?" aske


ave, his eyes caught two pairs of pitiful eyes in the corner of the

rossed. "Just talk here, m

otect his pride from embarrassment, he did not reveal th

ed a mix of d

g. Even though she wasn't sure, Ray seemed unaware several times that his

two mice pulling the balloon. "Gi

xa. "I will do it." Then he approached

a balloon with starry eyes looki


ch matched the dark red balloon perf

She was

his to

n was well received by her.

hank you. If you don't like it

o much, Ray. I'm

f a small child with an adult body, still very pure and innocent. Wait

wouldn't accept another gi

e money," Alexa

you yet. I'll send the entire

ght now, after all the event would still start tomorrow. But when her phone rang

ually sendi

casually as if the money was just small chan

an is

like being compare

in hand out of the warehouse while discussing unimportant things, then separated because she had to quic

ng the club in the morning. Several garlic appeared to be placed h

arlic in the corner? Don

cake ingredients, looked at her. "T

t know about pest s

s what's funny. "Mr. Sanders always made sure we checked to see if ther

e wouldn't have known that g

ong with c

is afraid of

lips. Strong, masculine men can be

little embarrassedly, his hands sorting out

find out?" she m


guy ... how is that possible?" H

smile at the memory of his boss. The name tag on his oversized shirt

his blanket while he was sleeping, then because it was tickli

gosh. An

on looked happy as he continued, "The blanket was shaken vigorously whil

e table while laughing loudly, her

at bad luck." Ger


t lasted almost an hour until their parents called the police." This part drained her stomach the most, but she continued to listen as he continued, "Thinking there was a child kidnapper, the police

to cut him off. "Enough, enough! I

ly wiped away, she could barely stop the rest o

red me up quite a bit today." She sighed. "I have t

r male employees who was busy with the spotlight. On her

a m

ble isn't long enoug

d quickly. "Did I ca

s usually like that, right?', and he immediate

xtra cables, and als


heard me; toys. There should be toy cockro

s current whereabouts. His assistant said that the man was now walking around looking at her amazing decorations. He

h his arrogant fiancé, standing near a small stage near the pool whe

that bastard was just happy there while f

't let


it. Still with hasty steps, she headed near the stage with a dangerous look, without glancing right or left, not caring

rtunately, the cable snaking across the floor got caught in her leg and s

st a heavy object, Alexa fell onto someone's

her eyes read

ldn't find

. Other sounds automatically disappeared, as if there

ay. Staring at her. A

as a littl

azed, shaki

yeah, I

ley Tatum fell with two toy cockroache

be cont

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