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The Sweetest Revenge

The Sweetest Revenge


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 2093    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

r true love at the age


s it must be bullshit. She is twenty-six currently and has

en she had a p

er consent. It didn't stop there, when she realized she was pregnant, her parents kicked her out because they didn't want to bear the shame. Finally, she quit university, lived alone to

ally jump?

at that time when her best friend pulled h

a s

ally she finds true love, she will completely

ing to the wealthy billionaire, Kenric Hamilton, forgetting her past behind her. Currently, the p

ny feelings of love. Who would have thought that the woman who always played around in the p

true love r


stance. Alexa turned to find the quee

tightly. Then turned her body. "Look at my dress! How is it? Am I beautiful? To

ng down to sweep the floor, the front skirt was open to reveal her smooth thighs. Oh, don't forget the shoes whi

ened. "You're gor


ed around Jane's waist protectively. The clear

t it made A

er in photos. This is the real one,

d smiled. "Hi, Mrs. Greisy, I am

one face, when he smiled he looked ve

t you too, M

ted sweating. At first she thought rich men would have smooth and well-groomed hands, but Kenric was differen

nt to introduce to my

d. "Jane? What

een caught red-handed. "His cousin is a l


ane grabbed her shoulders, squeezing them. "Preston is a fine man, he is a g


in's name is Pr

you mean, but not now. This is your part

words made one ma

eisy. I didn't mean to br

like that Mr. Hamilton, I just .

miled kn

an. "Mr. Hamilton sounds like m

you can also

ds pulled Jane's waist closer and whi

with you later,

s cheek, his tall and handsome figure made no difference

previous marriage. Jane said, Kenric divorced his wife because his old wife's family

s walking away. There was still a

g at him in person? He is handsome and

him because he was handsome and rich?

and discussing this again? He is my tr

her, Jane pulled her over to the bu

able with my diet.

"For God's sake, you are now t


e's hand was pul

! Not m

ongue. "No, that's not what I meant. You're the queen of this party, all attention is on you! I don't car

er people's opinions. Especial

pursed her lips in hunger. This tight dress was so torturing

phold your image in

e indifferent. You see how he act

aid Alexa

Jane greeted the cake in

ewed her cake fork before looking at

ike crowded plac

? Kids his age re

"It would be better if he was like that, I

u're too stiff. Fi

child was born when her mental condition was unstable; who wouldn't when you were thrown out of the h

aspects of her and her son are not bad at the moment. She is the owner of a small wedding org

child would bring luck to their parent

es look like Ray, like a twin

on that bast

won't believe this, Ken


idn't pay attention to the warning, her nature had always

. Her brown eyes held a dark loo

cause the number no longer worked. Even though it was the

t Alexa alone to entertain other invit

g the red velvet cake, she thought that if Fillo were here, he would defi

r baby's father, she lov

he should have br

e of the furniture is covered in gold. This is a luxurious party. Even with

s very

the hall in Kenric's house is almost as wide as a football field. Ever since Alexa saw it herself with her eyes, she knew that

ed from bei

ve. But after everything that happened in her life, she didn't even think that she would ge

n't even

wn selfishness for that reason. Right now, f

s a second floor room. The entire wall is almost decorated with glass so there is no need for lights during

hat a

u move aside? You're

ably good looking. From his feet clad in polished black leather shoes, celebrity class pants and jacket, she guessed he must be a handsome man. Then she fou

saw the man's face.

he was moving in a random direction, from the side someone bumped into her and she almost fe

you o

y pulled herself


ed, but slowly her heart felt like it was being gr


exa forget him?! He was the bastard

be cont

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