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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1492    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

go. Veloture

you sell

in the nightclub she visited swallowed up the noise. A splash

t of her answered, "What

like vodka?!" she shouted loudly, her throat hur

red slowly and a little annoyed, an angry woman is really scary. He didn't know

re blind, aren't

Jane. On a low stage where the spotlight was sharp, a d

iously while holding swaying breasts. Alexa saw the naughty women taking turns hoping one of them

n's face, but all her eyes caught was a funny and strange expression. The bartender's face was triplets. She w

she said. "I'll forgive your previous mist

The bartender put on a forced smi

oved with difficulty, almos

who is

clusive member here, you do

't kno

ike Jane whose flying hours beat the rich men? Almost every Sunday, this bitch who was also her best friend always

, even though you'r

tender's lips itched.

e to be called short. It was just that in Alexa's stupid eyes right now, s


had five

You tricked me, it's not vodka at all! How can a st

cuped badly several times, until she coul

at her. Luckily she is beautiful and is his type. There were lots of stupid drunk people like her that he

traight, as if she had never been drunk. "Where

rtender lied, even though in fact the owne

is he?! Why doesn't he supervi

l be here until morning." The bartender answere

ally bad! I will

dy very drunk," said the bartender, p

red and looked for the handle of a chai

r." The bartender rolled his eyes. "

otions. Her limp body stood up. Raised the glass to splash the bart

nnoy me? You too! Are you Bryan's fr

r decided no

make her feel relieved. Maybe she should have a 'broken hea

she loved him so much. Bryan said she was stupid just because she didn't want to give up her virginity to him. Until a week

t he know that she is maintaining

club! Get out! Quickly tell

silent on the spot. The boss actually appeared. His clear blue eyes stared curiously at Alexa's stupi

fallen on him a

The club owner and handsome man

it?" Ra

tood up. She turned around. "You're


e with a shameless face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sanders, I'll t

roving. "How could you treat a


for compensation! Where is Jane, have you seen that b

s, the man's fragrance made her feel comfortable. Her body involuntarily stretched and hugged

ver since. She keeps mentioning the name

ar at this club. Jane had sent him a message that she would introdu

e the

exa had fainted, then Ray saw his employee. "Let me

e felt cold all over. Too bad, because a woman was drunk h

legs hooked together like a tied rope. Over time she was dragged away. Her hands were limp at her sides. Sometimes s

y meant that Ray had to carry her on his bac

e had put Alexa down proper

ve." Ray

in snaking around the woma

st wanted to

sighed. He didn't know her but he knew Jane well, and remembered

what ha

be cont

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