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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1638    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

Take re

high-pitched and

? You met him yesterday, right? Did you two fight? No. You couldn't have fought,

terday, without telling her that she fell and Ray hugged her waist. She ju

uit when he met us," Jane laughe

head. She was

tell me he doesn't

expression yesterday. When she spilled wine on his suit, he wasn't angry at al

ndsome and charming, but she is

ruining her life in the past, but she didn't

ay's nightclub many times looking for his whereabouts. Ray had met her once, the man seemed to be in a bad mood at t

ter sleeping with a woman, he wo

xa will really help

lly supported her in taking revenge, without further

s up?" Alexa peeked at the price of a dr

es into a shopping bag. "I have a lot of poc

ng a billionai

e's wealth, but Jane is the type of person you can't resi

Alexa asked, starting to fee

throat. "Help y

Jane, this is my problem. Y

olled her eyes, she smiled seeing the glitter be

," Alexa said, a little sad

lor do y


alled the shopkeeper who was following them t

en a lot for her, is it still not enough? Black isn't r

er color. The black glitter under the brigh

ul. I think you would look good in a blac

s a Ray's

, I don't

t you're so ugly. You have to dress pre

revenge, not dating

et way, Lexa. First a duck mus

ean I'

answered wit

eally rea



d, if you

herself in a nearby mirror

ve prepared you

, "Oh, shit! You even planned that? Jane, I d

look at her, busy with the heavy dresses at exorbitant prices. "Last nig

ned you

arties. Your business only accepts wedding design serv

with event planning


o! I only accept

d. "You want take revenge, right? You have to meet Ra

y! Just looking at h

g one of the dresses on Alexa's body. "Firs

ng with my appearanc

ot everyone can see that. You n


e mirror, today Alexa appeared with her hair tied high, in an oversized plaid shirt and jea

k pretty for a bastar

ored her

t was useless to argue with Jane. She would ne

ter one of the booths,

time?" sh

Jane pulled her arm closer to see so

just entered from the main door with a woman. The

ehead frown. "I've se

his girlfriend? At my

uriously, she forgot to ask this since yesterday. M

Kenric's company invited him. Didn'

re not close friends

c's colleagues know him

e. "Where do rich pe

be. Kenric real

line never seem to see a golf course from afar. What's great about playing golf

end, they're so affection

slowly. She looked the o

pportunity here. We can use his gi

stand what she mea

ne suspicious. "Wait. You

want to tear him apart now instead of being jealous!" Alexa pinched Jane's a

coming this way!"

ing towards them. She tried to stay calm even though her head was already thinking of ways to scratch that handsome face.

she n

y said pleasantly, kissing Jane on either side of her cheek.

Ray is very friendly to Jane. Have

ce she was a teenager. In fact, the one who introduced Alexa to Ray was Ja

is, Alexa

't greet each other. Besides, you only came for a m

intment and have to leave that

xa on the shoulder deliberately, "This is

Ray's arm like a caterpillar. Seeing it made


ed dress stretched out her hand and said ar

be cont

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