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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1231    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

t met. He was quite stubborn. Maybe she needs to take o

w each other?" His voice slowed down at the end, he dran

e wrong person,"

erson," he confirmed. "Look, I just came bac

for w

t he seemed happy that he talked a lot about himself. Their work discussion had finis

a personal thing or two

g on holiday wi

ho had just met each other, even though she

ad to flirt wi

his isn't going

of her legs gracefully, making the open part of her dre

onfused about why s

e bored." Ray nodded. "After eati

uddenly came to bring a mini three-course dessert, all sweet. Without being asked, Alexa took a plate

" she mutte

y said. "The head chef of this restaurant is an old fr

eaten anythi

r whatever you want, I'll pay for it

ich man." Alexa gru


g; 'I'll pay for everything you buy ... or, you can take whatever you want, I'll pay for e

woman in front of him. Her appearance is not very striking and perhaps a bit tomboyish, her mouth is sometimes s

men. I think I'm a pretty responsible

deeply. "Well, you l

do you

hat? No

ding was placed back on the plat

are comparing the ma

a bl

that we might know each other.

t man is yo

the table. Deliberately lowering her chest exposing her cleavage to the front. This position was very ambiguous, like a prostitu

e, Mr. Sanders? You are a kind and charming

se. "Thank you fo

fast a movement. Her brain still hadn't registered properly whe

" Ray called the waiter after doing that. Alexa was stunned. "I ordered several box

y," answered Alexa

huge whirlwind. She subconsciously rubbed the fabric of the

ared on her table, right af

r you. Think of it as a

." She sat up straight, the s

e took the suit slowly. Still stubborn about highlighting her cleavage. She didn't believ

uble at all,

uched her fingers without realizing it. As if havin

ve for my cheap shoulder,

're quite a great woman. Why d

eally have low

k her out of the place. "Humility doesn't alw

elevator, before the door slowly closed, hi

eel doors. On the other hand, he seemed to be guarding her when another visitor ent

is shoulder. "Plea

or, Alexa glanced down and saw his hand

when his body turned an

but I gave the


eetly, there was never a smile on his face. There is only the i

r son's name

or a moment before

y cute

to be just unimportant small talk. Alexa knew that Ray was trying hard to break the ice,

be cont

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