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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 8 Eight

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 23/03/2024

There is no need for a lot of complicated designs, the glamorous impression is more suitable for a nightclub that i

ry, her arms crossed like an old foreman. On her head was a bandana and her hair was

liday were deliberately asked to help at the behest o

ie it beautifully," she said. "Hold



oing renovations. No one seemed to be taking it easy on a single person, if that happened, Alexa

f the waiters. She couldn't work hard, almost droppin

aiter while pumping a red balloon. "I heard she was a widow. Tch, th

isbelief. "Are you kidding me? Even tho

retty is not enough. Men usually do

like a perf

ctionist? A ki

eally likes to joke," said the first waiter, "But why would out bos

vent boss is acting fierce, if she with our boss she would be just as naughty


him, but once you behave well, he will definitely reward you bette

ling. "Mr. Sanders is a dream man. I feel like fallin

wing that she didn't like seeing Alexa, even disgust. "You don't know her, right? That's natural, you're new. That woman use

ce is deliberat

rious? What

y about Mr. Sanders." The second waiter sighed. "I don't know what she did to m

flirt in front of Ray. How she spoke so slowly and flirty when persuading him,

of her," said the second waiter, still in a

t she shuddered. "Oh my. I don't want that to happe

ned if you weren't as f

coming from the door. Her slender figure looked so arrogant. "Wh

"Sorry, Miss, we'll put up the tablecl

ing!" Alexa glared at her. "Next time you

the waiter asked i

making fun of me begging

e tiger whose eyes were almost popping out of her shells. When a beautiful woman is angry, she's st

ngrily. "One person can blow up a balloon. You guys are so spoi

We're sorry, Miss. We're really so

balloons and stood up. Her han

r? Quickly blow up this ballo

e balloons. Since there was only one pump, one of them even blew it with her mouth. If you

they gossip together? You're definit

e behavior of the two of them. If they were her emp

rt, black jeans and thick leather shoes. His tall figure always looked as if

r person who made her

y made her unable to stop her

the bastard

t to discuss something with

e, Mr. Bastard!!! Al

be cont

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