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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 10 Ten

Word Count: 1143    |    Released on: 23/03/2024


she meant. "I don'

s she laughed. "You should see her face,

to the pool on pur

mean to. S

ccidentally pushed into the pool, she didn't show up when the club's main event took place the next day. She handed over full duties to her employees.

se, but she enjoye

n't even defend anyone after the commotion happened—although he had

n is n

heir relationship,"

that, curiosity

should defend his girlfriend

lly turned around. "You mean you'd rather be cursed

outh was cursing, she also had to remember how her body was pressing Ray beneath her. Luckily, no one was chee

off the memory. "That'

as she replied, "Yeah, yeah, I go

idn't want to di

was heard, so Alexa remembered her son, Fillo. The four year old child was busy with a picture book which kept him quiet and

clearly J

m, ok." Alexa made a sound just

idn't answer at all,

er still stan

her best frien

ips of her nails with a nail file.

that her would be interested. Even though Jane's intentions were actually good, that didn't m

l undergo; such as getting to know each other through a complicated

s presence behind her. Nowadays there are too many fraudsters, on the one hand you see

hrough problems like that—she c

t's necessary," sh

ished. What's the problem?" Jane add

t now,

live alone all your life? Busy at work and don't have time t

her finances if she is in trouble. But she really wants to collect a lo

oyfriend would wast

only reason, I was just thinking about Fillo. I have to co

. The little fellow didn't even know that the gazes of love were flowing at him almos

loving gaze was and sigh

have remembered what service their customers requested so they immediately acted. She rubbed Alexa's dry nails gently, cov

Her dark brown eyes stared straight at the reflection of the glass in front of her, but she


here was no sign that Ray would be responsible, that man would probably just pretend to f

not Ray who


inking about since yesterday, is it possible that Ray

ising her. In an instant, the woman had stood up and the girl

oh, s

t Alexa's attitude. All this time, Jane was the one who accompanied this

because she had once dra

exa suddenly, before continuing, "What do you t

be cont

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