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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1842    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

exa glanced at

woman he got pregnant and woul

r with her face. Of course, she was the arrogant woman who was with Ray when

nd at all, then glanced at Ray. "I heard y

rew her hand

ked Kenric for recommendations on findin

reat opp

de her while composing a catchphrase. After the sentence was on the t

y. Look. She was the one who planned my wedding party. You can ask for her business c

f Jane's heel stepped on her shoe. Even though she

washroom for a moment,


the corner of the shop. The area was quiet because

Alexa complained, pul

lexa's shoulder enthusiastically. "Lexa, Lexa, Lexa! This is a great opportu


o plan a party a

orgot, I'm a w

or not doesn't matter. You just nee

reluctant. Her main goal is revenge on Ray, not maki

d to be s

t be stupid

e it to you. I will help you stock

ot abou

singly known to many people if more successful businessman use your services. It only

mained d

ays been by your side when you needed help. Do y

f stupidity. If only Jane hadn't taken her to Ray's nightclub, maybe sh

either. This obviously wouldn't have happe

usiness card. On the card she used her phone number as the contact person. Very

d when she saw that Jane was very happy

to the booth. "Hurry up and try on all th

e-length dress to her body as she asked,

, Ray doesn'

o you still need a long time? I ha

me and you're already this busy?

ong time," Ray answered while busy on his pho

more. She already knew t

f which is Veloture. That club was his first night club when he was just starting his career. Its success made him ent

eloture the F

those who want to stay overnight, even a luxurious restaurant with an indulgent menu. Recently, Ray a

was busy pre

ame back you were still busy with your work,"

er to grab her waist. "Babe, I'm sorry, ok. After this is o

m so happy to hear t

at the front. He sighed. His focus was immediately disintegrated after Hailey sulked. He and Hailey

ther had matched them since chil

seemed like a

hadn't returned yet. He headed to the fitting room which was located some dista

ed rather loudly, there was a crashin


don't blame me i

no a


d sex with Hailey, but he often saw her naked. They wou

gasped, an auburn haired woman glaring at him in horror. Ray's eyes auto-focused on

rvert?! Get out! Get out of here!" The woman

protected his head and f

ne. Her name is Alexa Greisy. Ray tried his best to apologize, but

an is so

" Ray stepped back, he had exited the

xplanation from a perve

exa didn't l

s as if they were about to fall off. Ray wanted to warn her, but she tripped over the steps of th

ing made Alexa

s were on

squeezed h


ed from embarrassment and anger. "Y-You, you, you!!! What

lso g

p visitors looked at the

isten to my explan

n will fool her twice. She quickly shouted, "

curtains and they were crowded together inside. Her eyes widened. This man'


ant to be pregnant without a husband anym

ar blue eyes moved from her chest, to another direction. "You ... yo

she didn't understand what was happening, unt

wing, it's yello

k a look and closed

ad no intention of raping yo

to be this Mr. Arrogant

hadn't entered carelessly, this wouldn't ha

ed his pride and gave in. He couldn't risk h

y fault, sorry. If you're not satisfied with my

fell s

u dinner," h

bered his thin, sharp beard that was still the same. Even though her memory of the man she sle

her hand tou


s card roughly. "I accept your invitatio

ck anymore. She immediately squatted d


hat the fvck

be cont

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