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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 876    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

lcomed him Frank. ?S

as Wilden says. Yesterday, I have sold a jumper cable to one of the new ones. That was re

rked Frank and looked at some boxes which w

ffen de Vries disappeared into the backro

have only this old roller here. Thus,

h. But it`s still completely new!", it resounded out of th

e brush, it`s better than n

ttes. Then he scratched his reddish three-day beard and let his broad cheeks qu

apanese fight for freedom too, F

by that?", asked F

here in our village, want to join a foreign volunteer corps t

, replied

there. Sven has already asked fo

Japan?" Frank

m many countries had already joined the Japanese army. European rebels, men from Ira

?", aske

mand wants to summarize these foreign militiamen in volunteer divisions. I have also thought about going to Japan,

the others…",

his parents here in Ivas. In the last weeks, a bunch of other young chaps had clustered around the charismatic young ma

life experience. I told him, that this won`t be an adventure vacation and he should better think twice, before he goes to Eastern Asia. But he

friend? I thought that he doesn`t l

ur operation in Paris, I had to tell him every little detail. He ne

s new for me…"

s a real hero for him. When Sven was here, some days ago, he enthused about you all the time. He knows five or six

ternally proud that these young men treated him as a hero, but he could ima

vernment, should it really come to an attack, but he was not very glad about the fact, that

ure trip for bored boys. And the probability not to come home

o the house and continued to paint the hall. He was thoughtful and taciturn for the rest of the day. In the evening, he

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