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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 978    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

e which was still heated by only one single wood fired oven. The young rebel did not care about political questions at this time. Casually, he sat in front of the old televis

ble, provided an income, an electronic account for a work, he did not do, and

nd of friend, perhaps more something like a mentor. Despite everything, Kohlhaas had no real reason to life for. The kiling of Leon-Ja

had distrusted him before, met him now with respect and open admiration. That was great. But this conditio

urs, in which he sat brooding in his room. Then he asked himself if he had ever m

y had to be about four or five years old.

nothing new. The little boy was still listed as a "child in public care". Nico

rson, he really yearned for - if he was honest to himself. He remembered Tina, his last girlfriend, from the tim

which he had carved out his miserable existence. One day, as Frank remembered, he h

al tensions between the World Government and the rebellious state of Japan in the last months, but now, an extensive attack against Mat

y populated area around Tokyo, dominated the evening program. President Matsumoto had given the or

s an attempt to be not perfectly unprepared in a coming war. Nevertheless, the international press talked of "underground armament factories". The media clamored and called these

lled ?Night over Yokohama" to the cinemas. Frank and Alfred downloaded it on an illegal

er-happy maniacs and militarists, attacked pea

ok, opened a never ending war against everything and everyone outside the Japanese islands. He collecte

s exaggerated tantrums appeared silly, but the intention of the movie was

us hordes of Asian psychopaths dominated the cinema halls for weeks. Furthermore, the Japanese had an

he evil Japanese dictator, destroying his dark legions almost in a solo run. Frank and Alfred were disgusted of this m

world! What a stupid shit!", groaned

t", said Frank with a disdainful smile. Perhaps the

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