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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 772    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

little boy had no more "official" relatives. Anyway, they would lie to h

d as mentor and friend, was not the right person to talk about psychological pro

d that was the image Frank wanted to preserve. Hence, he tried to hide the dark marks on his soul from her attention and was internally ashamed, because of his psychol

Some frost and storm damages in the village, and the

rt of Wilden. B?umer had meanwhile given it up to improve his knowledge – for the moment. S

rmada of Russian vodka and the party finally became a general booze-up. Frank Kohlhaas and Alfred B?umer drunk all they could get and went home in the ear

gry?", slurred Frank on the way home

stand these women?", said

at she is a sweet Blondchen, he, he!", stammered th

are right, buddy!

so amusing?",

r name, buddy! She is nevertheless...always...somehow...such a prude. Miss "Do-not-touch-me"...I know

the newest and Frank knew this. So he made some

had a lot of women before my time in

iend was...", teased him Frank and g

ch. Frank tumbled into the snow. "It is not my fa

p confusedly and staggere

think? Eh?", he slured and tried to b

s, why not? Good...good id

..it would

t her up,

ü?e Ma

Hey, F


at "Kohlhaas" me

hat suppos

t thou

me angry,

.."Cabbage Hare"..


ounds much funnier, ha, ha! Ca...

ut English, idiot

d finally reached their house. After several attempts to open the

this night, the alcohol became the guardian over Frank`s sleep. He dr

en he came back to Wilden`s house, the young woman just welcom

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