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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

He still rued the day, when he had been involv

city for the first time since their arrival in Ivas, the small village in the southeast of the country. They enjoyed a sunny day, saunter

t state of neglect. Old churches and slowly crumbling but still beautiful house facades could be admired here. Nevertheless, the effects of

Alfred had taken precautions by wearing baseball caps and sunglasses which they rarely removed. In spite of a subliminal feeling of tension, they enjoyed the day and were glad that they had come out of the li

lamppost in front of him. Alf B?umer came nearer and took a look at the torn sticker. He lifted his

ummed the

", said Frank, staring at the noticeable symbol in the middle

murmured Alf and scratched his head musingly. "And it is f

icker. I don`t think, that this stuff is legal

at is that?", a

krainians. The "Rus" or ?Varangians" were Vikings who founded the realm of Kiev. They are generally known as the

p of this organization, otherwise this l

ernet for some more informations. Maybe I will find something abo

r the next minutes. Shortly afterwards, the two rebels walked away

her environment after many boring weeks in Ivas. The spent three further days in Vilnius and went back then to their home village.

eting of the "Bilderblickbrothers" took place in the mid

rounded by hundreds of policemen and GSA agents, the most powerful men of the world colluded in the luxury hotel ?Bilderblick". The internal circle, the Council of the 300, met at this protected place and decided the fate

ance of the new world system. Lord Beaconshill, the media mogul, who had his domicile in England, raised his hand after a long debate to say something to the Japanese question: "My brothers, it is time for an example, because the outrageous action

ness suits. Some of them harrumphed, others whispered or shouted throu

ted on the fact that the Japanese population could be more easily divided in different parts. But our tactic to instigate strife should be reconsidered. Matsumoto`s populari

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