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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 942    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

"crazy tyrant", delivered a governmental declaration and demands a worldwide prohibition of this

malicious movie, I have e

icles, concerning the Japanese reactions on ?

mer entrepreneur talked instead about the propaganda film, he had also watche

rumbled Wilden and stamped his foot. "This is much more than simple animos

, Thorsten?",

on - since weeks. They want to swear the world to war, I feel it!", a

ep their greedy fingers away from the only fr

hods for so many years. This smells like a coming military strike. And my friend Masaru

question and aske

inessman! He lived for many years in Düsseldorf and was the chief of the German branch of a big Japanese concern. Meanwhile, he has gone back to Toky

urned Frank

n is a rising nation, since Mastumoto has come to power. He provided not only a reasonable social secur

re and education, supports the families and so forth. This man is a great

ywhere, isn`t it?", said Fra

day. Japan, this would be a grea

ks, that they will at

of the GCF. The government in Tokyo has already forewarned the population", explained the head of the rebel base. ?Meanwhile, ther

he only nation on earth, that was a ray of hope in this dark

is speech: ?These bunkers, that the media describe as arsenals of nuclear weaponry,

uld have a chance at all if t

have to defend themselves. They have already proven it many times. It depends on how much power and money the World Government will pump into a war against this renegade state

e Lodge Brothers have no other alternative than war. They just can`t accept, that a state becomes independent from their omnipotence. Matsumot

approvingly. The former businessman had analyzed the situa

ot much room for hope. Mastumoto had chosen the hard way, the way of confr

public. Thorsten Wilden had already rung up Frank and Alf in the early m

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