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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 923    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

ings. ?I think that there are two possibilities for us. One is bringing the enemy to its knees by the vari

s still stable, as the internal studies of our GSA agents prove, and I`m afraid t

the chairman of the pharmaceutical company "GPHP", an

Elders in this round, stood up from his place and asked for silence.

lready come to a decision. An example of Japan will be made. An Example, the world will remember for many years! The attempt to ques

he Elders are clear: War! The lasting destruction of Japan a

beloved brother Brown! How can we re

this so unbelievably important step towards the total control of the masses, may not be endangered by inhumanly appearing nuclear attacks, especially against Japan. We must still appear as philanthropists, liberators and true

ked for the role of the media, concerning the prep

nst the Japanese now?", Sergej Abramovich,

, we must prepare the invasion. This country and also Matsum

at Japan alive. We will make Matsumoto responsible for a devastating attack with biological weapons

e we have the plan to recrute masses of Chinese soldiers for the invasion army of the GCF. Fi

enthusiastic agreement to this plan. Only a few Lodge Brothers seemed to be sceptical

our victory?", asked

rthermore, their traditional culture will be decomposed and eliminated i

be silent for a while?", asked

eady to strike back! The war against Japan will star

more important one: The coming registration of eart

rol of mankind, but these were heard by nobody, except for themselves. Everything that was discussed at this meeting, did not leave the walls of the

e is

he had already been woken up once more by excited flutter and loud twitter in front of his

s me insane!", he groaned and

a coffee. Meanwhile, he had also noticed the never ending

Maybe these birds are b

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