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Prey World - Rebellion Beyond

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

nderpaid and listless. In Western Europe, such actions would be imposs

ly found a reward poster of the Belarusian police. The authorities were lo

, in Belarus and in the western part of Russia. The police assumes that he has changed his name and

w in just one week", said Frank and tried to translate

eased about the fact that his knowledge was demanded once again and smiled proudly. ?No problem. A goo

Wilden who sometimes behaved like an old schoolteacher, scolded the poor B?umer several times. Also Julia Wilden, the beautiful daughter of the rebel leader, had a lot of

asing meticulousness on the following day. B?umer was reprimanded again and again, while Frank become some

agers still admired him, because of the bold operation in Paris. They liked him, he was sure about that. And above all, Julia Wilden, the daughter of the village boss who had once met him with so much

he still was not audacious enough to start his own "great offens

te, he had somehow forgotten since his time in ?Big Eye". So he still behaved gawky, never knowing what to do next in her presence. Th

startled up before he fell asleep and "Mr. Madness", his imaginary cellmate, was banned

can`t cry anymore, and I also can`t be happ

st locked up behind a large concrete wall at the end of his head

e young man had never expected. Unfortunately, the positive feelings had not the major part in this outbreak, because the darker the days became, the darker it was in Frank`s brain. Depress

lluminated hole without a ground. The fall lasted eternally and he r

the other side, as Frank sometimes thought. They spoke to him, in the l

ically removed his heart. Then he held the bloody, pulsatile muscle in his hand and s

eady become a good friend, although he was not the right interlocutor for topics like this. His mother would have been

calling the educational institution, in which his nephew Nico probably still was. But this was connected with a very high risk. What sho

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