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Friend Zoned

Chapter 10 : Violet

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

d?" With a hopeful expression, Mia pauses before tacking on, "A

n, isn't he?" My eyebrows rise across my forehead. "And you don't want any witn

eally hope so. Do you have any idea how long it's been?


amn right

r a weekend last year when he crashed at our place. Needless to say,

are ridicu

hrough the first night, when I couldn't stand another second of their porn-inspired soundtrack, I ended up dragging my blankets into the commons area

g around for a repeat per

ng out. Clothing spontaneously explodes from their bodies, which is exactly why it's better to get the hel

e pulling out my phone and firing off a quick

me for the wknd.


don't really want to get in the middle of that." If worst comes t

k our brains for a

estion. "I guess Carter and I could rent a hotel roo

expensive, but that's w

and and dismiss the idea.

ys stay wi

kly into my thought


a lot better than staying here and having to listen to Carter and Mia going at it like a pair of energ

k with him." I s

at, Mia asks, "And how is

n del

out a laugh. That's M

t he kn

trying. She threw herself at him every single weekend. I have no idea why Sam wasn't interested. Mia is gorgeous with long, thick ebo

has never batted an ey

s fi

and as she purrs out the next

oat as I shake my head. "And what would Ca

stop ruining all my fun. I'm always careful

bout that. I mean, she has to be. Right? Mia loves her boyfriend. They got together two years ago

is currently being pl

a grin slides its

. I've grown used to it over the years, but I don't particularly like when she makes com

ed one out thinking abo

loor. "Mia!" Even though I should be used to the over-the-top

"Oh, please, that boy is hotness personified. Can't say I haven't used my bat

ief. "Are you seriously telling me that you have never, n

my head in d

s of him. But lately-for some strange reason-I can't stop noticing how good

e started on that bi

all. Not to


s all hard

ake, I have no

d be crossing an imaginary line in our friendsh

the god-awful conversation I've been

suspense. What's golde

skimming over the message

grin that overtakes her

roommate, Dylan, moved in with his girlfriend." I ground out the w

her dark lashes. "Of course, you wi

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