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Friend Zoned

Chapter 4 : Sam

Word Count: 1722    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

brows lower over eyes that spark with anger. Her hands bunch at h


was not a drunken idiot! He was actual



he obvious, "He didn't seem to mind that I sto

iled up. It makes me want to wrap her up in my arms and carry her out of here. But I don't. She's li

's only because you let him think we were a couple!" She th


ain, ma

in a chick, I'd pursue her until she t

out and said that she wa

m just s

at my guy logic. "I think you

't get that I have feelings for her. That I've always had feelings for her. It's like she's put me in some little box marked with big bright colors- just a friend and refus

re she is trying to hookup with some random dude rather than consider for one moment that the friendship

rein it in at the last second. Instead, I say in my best cajoling tone, attempting

e whose name is

asn't exactly looking for a long-term commitment." She r

what she means. Hence my s

. It would be cute if I weren't so

g room where the flow of people is a little lighter and spin her toward me. "So, you're just on

r as she stares up at me li

arrow in

the notion that she wants to have sex. There's only one dude who s

t? You're allowed to sleep around, but I'm not?" Her h

r. And that was only because I was completely shitfaced and trying to fuck Violet out of my system once and for

, and I fucked her about six different ways before throwing in the condom and admitting that

o hookup since that litt

s the

charmingly put it, then my hand is as good as anythi

just fuckin

does. Over the last couple of years, I've tried numerous times to clue her in to what I'm feeling. I've dropped hints, given her little touches here and the


y oblivious to

. "Then why are you always getting in



a damn shot over here and

t to


le tearing

d for all. To let the chips fall where they may. But...if she's not into it, where the h

nk I could

the truth, I slam my mouth

.You don't h






am, I really appreciate you watching out for me, but I can handle myself. If I want to go home with someone at the end of the night, I'm go

olet getting it on with some asshole

times you take it too far." She steps closer before twining her arms around my neck. The soft curves of her

tightened muscles before snaking my a

Sam. You're m

at we're friends. That we've stayed close over the years, and nothing has managed to separate us. I love that I'm the first person sh

nt m

e Violet's

en fooling myself all these years by holding out hope that she'll wake up


I have absolutely zero self-control where Violet Winterfield is concerned, I sweep my lips across hers until she hesita

st one


I need to accept that Violet will never feel the same

of tongue. The truth is that whenever she presses her lips against mine, I have a hard time resisting the urge to deepen it. So, for

nt, it's an

at it hasn't done o

my body. Uncertainty flickers across her face as she takes a hesitant step a

I think we're goin

re for me to say, I murm

throwing one last glance over her

students blowing off steam on a Thursday night. If she plans on leav

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