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Friend Zoned

Friend Zoned


Chapter 1 : Violet

Word Count: 1506    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

resses up against mine as he settles in. Not taking my eyes off the professor, who has already launched

an all but feel it. His smiles are as blinding as the sun. Heat radiates from

m." He snorts before adding, "Coach scheduled a

redible winning streak this season, which means ramped up practices and workout schedules so they can keep their

wer he must have just taken. His bright blue eyes spear mine with a sparkle of mischi

. Something hot slides through me before settling deep in my core. Not knowing where the hell that t

eck is tha

regarding Sam have been cropping up with a disconcerting amount of frequency

I need these fe

I are

nd I don't want

family. That was eight years ago, and we've been tight ever since. Som

otball for the Barnett Bulldogs. He was offered full rides to play at half a dozen o

you finished up the paper that's due today on the power of the judiciary over the legislature." I

ted with reference

. He's flunked people in PS 345- the Judicial Process for less. Since Sam and I are both in the pre-law program, we have a lot of the same

ans toward me again, breaking my concentration. Unfortunately, laser focus is required because this cl

our professor's sharp voice slices t

f you please

ough I try not to let Sam distract me, I had

eir creation, and statutes require their interpretation. All law must continually be aligned with

fleshy lips together, I'd have to say he's disappointed not to have caught Sam by surprise. He continues lecturing in a monotone voice, biding his t

he does, the bottom of his soft gray cotton T-shirt rides up giving me

hasn't been that long since I've been with a guy. Certainly not long eno


ticing the

s all kind

out for the p

within me, I shake my head before muttering, "Can we

word i

t time with that. Which doesn'

these kinds of thoughts about Sam


as the only one who could chase away the nightmares. That being said, nothing ever happened between us. There certainly weren't any wandering hands d


thought of Sam as anythin

e thoughts are disturbing o

, he shrugs before slouching

s no biggie for him. All he has to do is read something once and it's locked in for life. I'm not goi

me borrow that big brain of his anytime I need it. He's pretty great about

eleases us back into the world. People scatter from the room as if they're fleeing for their very lives. Rick

way out of the poli-sci building. It may be bright and sunny out, but there's a cold northeasterly wind whippi

radiates heat like a furnace. That being said, I can't help but snuggle

s voice sends an unexpected shiver skittering down my spine. My gaze f

me. A little sigh of relief escapes from my lips. I don't understand why I k

mes it happened, I shr

e're moving past

ely don't think about Sam like that. Furthermo

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