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Friend Zoned

Chapter 6 : Violet

Word Count: 1705    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

e. "At least they're still active and in love." I give him a hard poke in those rock-solid abs of his. T

ybe that comment

ke a

z, Vi! You saying that is almost

ice fills the air as she breezes through the hallway leading fro

to his full height as I give he

in her arms before giving me a little squeeze. My

ng that happened with my parents, Gran was always there with a warm hug and

my grandfather likes to sit in the sun-filled space and enjoy a cup of coffee while perusing the newspaper. Even though he's quite adept at tooling around on the internet, he prefers to read a physical copy. H

e's upstairs resting a bit." Before I can fire off anymore questions, she turns to Sam and pulls him in for a hug. That's

my grandparents his entire life. He thinks of them as his own. He'd probab

s about the wellbeing of their elderly neighbors. In high school, he would cut their lawn in the s

glad you two were able to find the time to stop by for a visit. The toilet in the upstairs bathro

g being seriously wrong with either one of my them. As much as I hate to admit it, they've slo

oo much for them to handle on their own. Even though my grandfather is seventy-five years old, and my grandmother is closing in on seventy-two, I

e has suffered from a few heart issues. I don't know what my grandmother or I would do without him. It's been the three

g to be concerned about." She gives Sam's bulging forearm a l

nterfield. You know that

Samuel. You're such a dear boy. You always have been." Her gaze latches on to mine befo


calculating look she aims in my direction. I almost roll my eyes because what she re

tly trying to nudge me in Sam's direction? When I was in high school, her machin

assessment. He'll probably make some woman extremely happy. A tiny pri

e smile simmering around the edges of his lips. "Oh, I don't know about that

oying herself a little too much over there. I can't blame her for it. Even Sam's muscles have muscles. His entire bo

lips. That kiss, the one I keep insisting was completely insignificant, forces its way into my thoughts. A little shiver skitters its way down my sp

hell am

s and shove that thought away before clearing my t

's like she knows exactly what's running through my

we won't have to call a plumber." His brows draw together and his gaze shifts between us as if real

e hear his heavy footfalls on the second floor as he makes his way to the b

st in case I hadn't already gotten the hint, she adds, "

of laughter that escapes

Back in my day, we used to desc

with her assessment. Sam is

ous conversation. "It's surprising that you two have never gott

l my

we go

best guy in the who

r. He's amazing. But there are o


ctually, adores isn't a strong enough word. And I can't deny that she's probably right in her prediction. Sam would treat any woman he was with like a

and see what's been sitting in front of you this entire time." Instead of waiting for a response, she hooks her arm through mine before patting my hand affectio

nt, I snort before muttering und

ckles. "Why don't we make lunch for when that strappi

gh before following her

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