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Friend Zoned

Chapter 2 : Violet

Word Count: 1559    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

rt continues to jackhammer

where's what's-his-face? Hasn't

and he immediately chortles, which isn't a good look on him. "Jeez

concerned. My relationships have absolutely zero staying power. I've had


now why yo

agree with the senti

o soci

ks. The guy probably knows

to plow my way through this afternoon, which is pretty standard. There

hat party or what, Winterfield? There's not much else going on tonight." His arm tightens around my should

nearly sends


the LSAT, we've earned it." Trying his best to cajole me into attending, he adds, "Come

ecause of writing that paper for Rickets' class and studying

damn good argument. Maybe we do dese

t, but yeah, we'll probably stop by at some point." Mia is my roo

re life? That's the way it was with us. We fell into an easy camaraderie. Sam is the only other per

ot wi

o move to Philadelphia where her boyfriend, Carter, lives and right now, I have absolutely no idea where I'll end u

against all the hard lines of his body. I hate

hen you're headi


ETA. This is nothing new. Samuel J. Harper considers himself to be my unofficial big br

guy is a majo

twenty-one years old and certainly no timid virgin. Sometimes, I have to wo

to safeguar



he enjoys frightening

ost s

looking for a life partner at this point. I'm focused on finishi

.a girl has

muscle mass, it isn't difficult for him to deter prospective candidates. I've yet to find a dude who

lfriend to preoccupy him. Mayb

With that, Sam drops a quick kiss on

rls sidle up next to me. For just a moment, all three of us silently w

total male

hroat as my eyes swing curiously to her. "We were wo

se a

want to know if Sam and I are sleeping together. Since we tend to

ches over six feet with a body honed by both football and weightlifting. He's got thick, dirty blond hai

best you'll

me from my shell. We spent that entire summer playing video games in his room, going to th

he brunette at her side. "Yo

ey both seem like nice girls, I decide to let them

"You have absolutely no interest in him? Bec

just solidified her position as the number one

ool together. We're nothin

ht white teeth. "How are you just friends with some

ling those rock-solid abs, nudges its way back into my brain. I clear my throat unc


n, we

between us every once in a while? My guess is that it's comp

nd before waggling her eyebrows. "

y skim down th

ir and deep br

s wearing shows off a rather imp

is type if you tried. Here," I decide on the fly, "I'm going to give you his number. Text him and see

ch a typ

e she just won the

a wink. "

ttraction that keep zipping around inside me. What I need is for everything to slide back t

head, she introduces herself, "I'm Allie, by the way." Sh

won't mind at all." I give the pair a little wave. "Okay,

in return before our sma

appreciate me steering t

efit-it gets h

a win-win situa

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