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Friend Zoned

Chapter 3 : Sam

Word Count: 1645    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

?" Dylan pauses for a beat before forging ahead with t

I kno

wd, music at an ear shattering decibel, a few games of strip beer pong already in progress, drinks galore from the makeshift bar, and-if my nose isn't deceiving me-a few bowls of pot being passed around. It isn't

nd take a swig. "What? You ke

t's not cre

tighter than a freaking spring. It's obvious what your problem is. You need to get

y laugh

ng po

e se

stion-of c

ted advice regarding my current poison situation, I sh

attempting to m

at him o

nding my molars together in silent aggravation. Not a moment later, her lips curve upward before she laughs at whatever the hell

ot going to hap

looks like it's time for y

snaps to


king-lutely right." I down the rest of my beer before shoving the empty plastic cup into Dylan's h

your pathetic ass back here before

late for that. At this point, I'm a man on a mission. And th

that is totally up

ield is gorgeous. She has long, thick blonde hair and big, whiskey-colored eyes fringed with dark lashes. I'm not even going to talk about

't really

f I'm not mistaken, the guy


Her eyelids are feathering closed. People scurry out of my two-hundred-pound way as I barrel through. I have

I've learned through trial and error that I can't co


a fine art I've perfected over the years. This guy

ve because her eyes widen as they ensnare mine right before I wed

always has. My life can be a raging mess, but when I'm with her and she's in my ar


t stillness lik

t simple action, I feel my pulse settle. Rational thought seeps its way back into my brain as my tense muscles

ts me every f

o I can immerse myself in that gorgeous body of hers for a full, forty-eight hours. I don't even

y I ne

st thin


y attention toward the jack-wad whose jaw has slacken at my sudden arrival on the scene. It takes everything I have insi

ifting as he processes the fact that his odds of getting laid tonight just plummeted into the single digits. For a split-second, he l


ustration careening through my system by plowing my fist into this guy

awns. "Harper, right?" He shifts his weight from one f

easy smile. "Y

ho is still smashed up against my body, "I had no idea this was your chick." Rather hilari

I smack another kiss against her head. If the low growling noise emanating from her is any indication

grin evil

chances are against Mi

snaking her hand beneath my T-shirt. Under different circumstances, her touch would be entirely welcome, except I know what

titty twister


oming out of it with a win are solid. They're running a tough offense but there are some holes in their defensive game that we'll be able to explo

t me. He's talking stats, playoff picks, and bowl games. And hey, I love talking ball as much as th

let is more than ready to leave now that her evening has been thwarted. My arm is still wrapped around her. I'm thinking about att

me now. I've saved you from the fumblings of that drunken

when she gets all heated up. I like the way her eyes flash w

oesn't d

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