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Friend Zoned

Chapter 5 : Violet

Word Count: 1387    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

my grandparent's house on the other side of town. It's about a twenty-minu

m craving a ho

oddly silent. Dare I say contemplative? Even though I don't know for sure, and he certainly hasn't mentioned

o's been hitting on me. More like the fortieth. And

up with the

is that I d

re are only a few select people I can be myself with. Mia, my grandparents, and Sam.


my thoughts for the hundredth time. It's ridiculous because it wa

ipped me a littl


we haven't k

r was my very f

arty in the dingy, cobweb infested

nutes in

It was common with the middle school set. Of course, anything that

a big deal. Honestly, I've never thought much about it. But that

o him. Unable to stand the peculiar tension that fills t

und the steering wheel on his Ford F-150 as we zip

furrows before volleying the quest

has cropped up between us isn't normal. Our relationship has always been easy. And now it feels anything but. "I do

fingers together. "It's all good, Vi." His deep blue gaze pierces mi

ving me almost limp with relief. I hadn't realized how anxious I'd becom

. "Okay." I need to put Thursday

been thinking about what you said

xactly what I like to hear. The only problem

t the feeling that he's avoiding eye contact. Sam is usually so straightforward and forthr

relief. Sam has been a major pain in the ass when it comes to my sex life. I swear to God, every time I get


ibrator action. There are time

y night." The comment escapes from my

efore bouncing back to

tinging his voice or

ould it e

in my seat. "Just wasn


ouring from my lips. "What about you?" The breath catches at

my way as he shake

girl. My brows beetle together as I silently turn the question over in my mind. Has he even been with anyone t

cing around the eaves. Deep purple wooden steps lead the way to an inviting beveled glass front door. There's a gleaming white swing that hangs from the covered porch. A round turret flanks the left side of the house, spearing into the sky. It has a comfy window seat with soft pillo

g there when I needed them most. It's one of the reasons I decided to stay and attend Barnett instead of going further

ngers until he gives them a gentle squeeze

y?" h

he feeling there's something on Sam's mind, I deci

e've done hundreds of times before. Without knocki

all out. "Gr

em what time we were stopping by, right?" He waits a beat, his voice dropping fur

never mention that particular incident again. Do you have any

because I was subjected to it as well. It still haunts me to th

luck with t

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