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The Fate of the Rejected Alpha

Chapter 10 Occisor, part 3.

Word Count: 1615    |    Released on: 10/09/2022


me. When?" Margaret

wn, we h

ms at breast height. “I thought you were a wo

f rising sun passed through the windows and Margaret was already

p depression that possessed her body, Mary promised to train her and transform her so she could take her revenge. Mary thought that in time

her muscles on alert. "On that same date, three months from now, if you ask me again, I swear Margaret, I swear I

ll r

was happy, after so long now she ha

sor entered the kitchen c

rs,” Mary apologized. She knew that Occis

ing, the three of them sat at the table at every meal to ke

was one of the only things she could still do normally and it always brought back memories of wh

Margaret said to Occisor who

, don't delay me,

have any training today!” Mary scolded him firmly, b

just need the basics, the rest I can improve on my

you've got to be kidding, the two of you decide

your diapers and you think you'

know what I'm gonna do! And if you don'

thropist after six months of life tends to be accelerated, but it was impossible for this to

ed you from death!" She spoke very close to Oc

let me forget!" H

lm her eyes are red, when angry, black. A

ast night," Margaret intervened and reason reigned again in Ma

peated," she said at last an

garet to finish eating the spice

ready,” one of the guards

wait for us to get out o

. Privacy, that's all she ever wanted, but it

s dark brown and wavy, and he was only five years

er gave her life so that only he could escape. The government found him and his

argaret's beautiful eyes. She loved him too, but she had her priorities and u

Mary brought him back to reality and he tilted his he

isor questioned as h

t wash this

all this just to avoid that officer?” Occisor loved

d, picking up her plate

y," Mary said and started walking, bei

he three lived, but the officers never respected their privacy and always entered their quarters uninv

contains five

ation room

th serial killers. The government didn't want any police officers to die dealing with these

an interrogation r

at had terrible consequences for the humans. The death of many innocents, the trafficking of virgin women, vampire

m was a human

l killers or even those who betray the human race to

was another hu

hat they go through torture. And the only one capable of that so far is Mary. E

om was the t

re's various materials for various kinds of fights. This room is divided in two

uld install elevators h

ysical fitness, she

l to go up by just pre

g, she only stepped on one once and felt like she was

he third floor, but Margaret was walki

the last room in the corridor. Mary opened the door and gave the other two space to ente

you will train wi


aving only Mary and Occisor in

ng is over, you will have the resp

ant to hu

p. "The government supports us in order to deal with Vampi

get involved with

do that, if not, you will also be hunted and will be accuse

is bul


kid anymo

n and respect the l

n response, his rebellion

you the fight of

going to be hand

known to utilize various parts of t

isor's tra

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