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The Fate of the Rejected Alpha

Chapter 5 Traces of destiny, part 1.

Word Count: 1436    |    Released on: 10/09/2022


s to follow it and at that moment she declar

e those of the other members, Ruby, in her lupine form, didn't flinc

her sister, positioning herself i

he wolf that rises from the ground and shak

rst!" she said firmly. In her eyes was possible to see the fervor of her w

iveness or anything!" snarled the beta, positioning himself in front of the others, takin

a! My sister!" she

of tears as she rose from the ground. Hugging the baby to her ches

s going to happen to her sister. The icy

it almost hurt her physically. Her instincts wanted her to lower her head, but instead she didn't lose her ground and did not lower

. And that was being seen. She was being seen. In the dark corner of the forest, at the

o defend herself with her small claws and round fangs. But, unfortunately, she had

nts, she asks for the goddess's protection

d to the great moon. The wolves, not satisfied with just killing he

water from the sky as the goddess wept for t

beta declared after approving the j

with the baby, jumped from the tree. With their long-range vision, and their extreme sense of smell, they

onstant drizzle didn't help either. If she transformed, she could heal quickly, but she couldn't do that. She

hing over the trees. Her heart throbbed in f

rusted the goddess as she was one of the few wolves who still worshiped the m

to ask her for protection now?

who that was. It was the enemy, that was clear. But the person in fro

our goodn

nd force losing only to her mate, she was weak, and they were many. The female was vulnerable, her male should be there

everywhere; it's only a matte

sitting inside the root of a large, twisted tree in hopes of keep

ble to protect her cub, but she wanted him to live. If he was born this way, it was for a purpose. She believed in it because the goddess never fails.

also knew that this situation was not normal. A cub born in the shape of a human was something impossible. The

the baby was so

Please don't let t

just stretched out her a

lace, her little cub's life was going to be preserve

olf,” Emerald's voice came out lo

s clear that this child didn't look at all like a wolf. Not

's face, committing his features to memory, but Mary didn't extend the farewell. Soon she turned her back and returned to the top of the

d you and I'll always..." but Emerald coul

thed in her blood. The fine drizzle turned into a great storm, hail fell violent upon the earth, thunder cu

ase. All the way through she took care that no

d who opened the gate greeted M

argaret asked as soon a

d devoured in front of her by werewolves. Mary managed to save her from havi

of our fa

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