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The Fate of the Rejected Alpha

Chapter 2 The beginning, part 2.

Word Count: 1218    |    Released on: 10/09/2022


It was he who taught Mahni everything, but even he didn'

reigned and

s the custom, the competitors will hunt for each other. They will descend to the human lands, and sacr


ion of his sister. Selene, on the other hand, went deep into the forest in search of the wolf. Her heart thro

ul creature in the human world. It was surreal and she thought it was a crime to kill it. However, S

prey. The sound of the animal's howl was so loud that even the gods could hear it from above

with a macabre smile on his face. Selene was strong and despite the giant size

another groan escapes its throat .The big black wolf dec

ne screams as she sees the beast take its true fo

hat was dying. Because of her. Selene did that, she killed her belov

y. Selene always admired the wolves, always liked to hear the howls of the beautiful animals for the full moon, but agreed to k

d, the hatred in her chest growing to

hat she turns into a great white wolf. All the gods rise

her teeth into his neck. Mahni tried to free himself, tightly squeezing the great wolf's jaw, b

n front of all the gods and her coat

eloved who agonizes on the cold ground. She lies down beside him a

her heart. Zeus loves Selene, she's his youngest daughter, and seeing her suffer like that makes him suffer too.

st an incantation on him, and he will no

he was now the goddess of the

lacing her hand on Lyc

enses will be a hundred times better than any human. It will be I who will dictate your destiny, the destiny of your children and so it will be forever, generation after gene

and the arrow disappeared from his chest. His body

ift, father," Selene

ffering smile, her bod

l moon form and receives Lycaon's ho

e saw the sadness growing fr

st, even if it hurt her. But he would have someone to be his pillar, his helper, and they would be to

e. And so Selene created the first Lycanthrope female. With black hair and blue eye

ing did he treat her well, and that made the moon goddess extremely sad. He stopped howl

om the sky. In the same instant, the moon disappeared from the sky and

" he says

and softly, “Your love is inside your den,

love her,

e created the female exclusively f

re for his female, tha

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