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The Fate of the Rejected Alpha

Chapter 7 Occisor, part 1.

Word Count: 1208    |    Released on: 10/09/2022



blanket of snow, the flakes falling from the clouds shone

here?" Margaret questioned sitting

ith another one without taking his eyes off the

She turned anothe

over the window. That has been bothering hi

w let me finish reading my

why do you like reading these boo

nation, which by the way you don't have, "Margaret smiles

come eat!" Mary scre

ok, leaving it on the bed. Occiso

rge, a brown like honey and her small mouth adorns her thin and delicate face. But, as they say, anyone w

is hair was back as the night, his eyes equally black, though again, his understand

t of a betrayal and was just a human cub, but soon noticed that she was wrong. She doesn'

ed when she noticed the cub's strength when he was little. There was

good!" Oc

t this thing" Margar

man food; rice, beans, salad, and vegetables. Mary only drank blood collected by the government a

alled when he fi


I have t

ion to Mary's response. She never told any

too fast, and that sooner or later, she would have to h

't seem appropriate for you, but out of respect for her I followed her wish. However, I a

mean?" he asked e

answered and finish

ame that means

the table, starting to collect the dishes ."The sun has set, be

one left the kitchen, leaving on

time to go

ll you t

ery single day about it. She wants to be powerful. In her vengeful mind, she needs this strength, if not, she can n

u promised! I've been wai

enjoy in this life. Mee

ne!" she said and crossed

't you want to live one?" Mar

ne with these m

You know we live in this area because the sun can kill

rice to pay, yes

get this idea out of the young woman's mind, b

being held hostage of the nigh

Helsing, sold her to the blood-suckers. Her buyer wanted her to use her as a sex toy, bu

w what you're

r back, leavin

d, and Mary covered her ears. Sh

and Margaret's room, opened the door and

she asked, en

. What really happe

she asked me to take care of you," s

born, she'd still be ali

by turning him shar

She believed the goddess of the moon had a purpose for you!" she said firmly and wiped

the go

ator of

at is m

what to say.l b

ink it's time to tell

truth until then was it because it was painful? What did Mary keep

bout to

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