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The Fate of the Rejected Alpha

Chapter 8 Occisor, part 2.

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 10/09/2022


ting beside her on the bed, a frosty, strong wind blew opening the wooden windows of the

eing – as she didn't really have a heart – she cared too much for both Occiso

at a velut luna

the female with that title is the companion

don't you?" She finally walked again, ret

but she wouldn't let me read anything else. She's so boring!" He shou

wondered why you like to ea

them." Mary laughed. "Look how strong I am!" he stuffed his chest and crossed his arms, yet in less than t

ar placed in the door. She also wanted to know the truth about Occisor; all she knew when he arrived was tha

He didn't say a word, so she continued. "What I'm going to tell you now is not a b

d firmly, but she s

ne brightly in the sky and the velut luna gave birth to a c

the cubs only show signs of humanity after those six months," Occisor inter

ew that. However, wh

ts to look at him. The boy'

at happened? Mary wonde

rm and then you were born, as if you were a baby with

ed, but Mary igno

fled, her sister, your aunt, helped her escape. Your mother and your aunt believed that the goddess had chosen them for some purpose. A luna cimex rebelled against her whole pack and paid the price with

unt's?" he asked with his eyes closed. He d

mother's name and your

t were th

d tightly, the tears wante

s. Ruby had reddish brown hair and amber eyes.

the door in a bang. "Never will that cursed race be beau

shouted. The burning in h

mpled her until there was nothing left of her and your mother had her head cut off

he released a growl that m

n't believe it, Mary!” A tear came

et, lis

he hall. Mary looked at Occisor and decided to let him ing

them there. She lied to Margaret saying that Occisor was simply a human baby. But I always knew that sooner or later the day would come that she was goi

t? Why did you lie?

f us. He, like you, is a Van He

if there was no tomorrow. After sniffling

ends up like those

wn one by one, I reject them, just as they did to me, I will do much worse to the

but soon any doubt was extinguished from her mind. From Occisor's eyes, tears kept falling, b

m i

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