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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 796    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

u for you

om Movement of the Rus. Before we can meet, we ask



ratched his grizzled head - brooding.

secure telephone connection for us, HOK?", a

rd program!", replied the com

s office. Wilden grabbed the phone, because his Russia

hoed through the untidy room, then they h

at the other end, from where he was calling. After half an hour, they had finally arranged a meeting on 02.05.2033 in Vitebsk. The stranger asked Wilden to call him aga

nk?", he wanted to kn

nse to look for some allies in the neighboring re

The name of our village must remain a secret! A top s

answered Fra

e meeting?", asked HOK a

o question!",

r us too. After all, we`re not here for fun

meet those Russians"

tails", said Wilden. "This guy on the phone seem

. Frank and Alfred were full of expectation, hoping that the me

a group of teenage pseudo-revolutio

very encouraging", returned Alfred. "Finally we will see what happe

. Moreover, he had finally decided to win her heart, although he was no expert for "women`s stuff" and love was still an unknown territory for him.

", said Julia and seemed t

m the steaming pot in the middle of the t

od?", he asked a

Very tasty!" J

tely started to smack. Shortly afterwards he noticed his

ke. It is not far from here. Eh, t

ut of this boring village. Yes, a good idea. Do

re is a new film called "The Slayer – Angel of Death

that for

lm is nothing for you. We should watch

some kind of

ably a bit

Frank! Let`s watch somethi


tonight?", she

de Vries` cafe, together with Sven

a bit more s

of c

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