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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 874    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

, Mr. Tschistokjow?", a

and introduced themselves too. Frank an

lish? Yes,

", said Wilden, while the blo

z?", he as

eplied the village

German!", returned the leader of the free

n, Mr. Tschistokjow! I haven`t expected

bit. It will be eno

started to laugh loudly. Artur`s comrades were

ned German?", aske

Then I have learned as a hobby German language"

ou at such a place, but it is

!", sai

!", added the blond man

new acquaintances from Belarus were on very good terms with each other and had similiar political ideologies. Wilden showed his great world knowledge and was quite amazed

n forces with you!", said Wilden euphorically and cl

boss was effusive and seemed

think about him?",

e a honest man

unds of world policy. This is i

rom Ivas just nodded

w`s organization. We will immediately get in touch with t

ow our home village. You always tell us to keep our mouths shut, Thorsten. And secrecy

o have such an organization in the proximity of Ivas. We can ac

become blabbers!", growle

at would happen next. Wilden visited HOK several times in the next days, and used his well-encrypted phone connection for long conversations with Artur Tschistokjow. The young Russian with his resolute character a

agers and had acted on his own. Soon, Artur Tschisto

darting eyes and winced, al

ranted Alf and banged

r heads. My guts tells me, that Artur Tschistokjow has

uted Kohlhaas and briefly thoug

s community, Thorsten. And now, you want to endanger us all just

ree of his men from Vilnius. For example, the leader of the Lithuaninan

thing from this if the cops come here tomorrow, idi

en that the GSA is searching for that Russian?", yelled

t worry, nothing will happen", mutte

all the inhabitants of Ivas, Thorsten!", gr

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