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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 894    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

ted or joined the Freedom Movement of the Rus in secret. In the wor

, and slowly the concerns of the once so creative

sometimes to himself and felt a little more relieved. But this feeling never last

around to his teammates. His best friend and today`s opponent

ccer skills. Now the goalkeeper shot the b

of the field and brought the leather with a deliberate kick in the direction

l lasted for a further hour. Today it was sunny and warm. An ideal day for a football tournament in the Lithuanian village of Ivas. Finally,

ude?", asked Frank the frustrated

sweep you from the field, Kohlhaas!", grudged the gi

iring glance and the young man

she yelled and mad

fair maiden!", called Kohlhaas

ered B?umer and sa

olized him. Her father, the head of the village community of Ivas, clapped on his

horrors of the Japanese war, which had wrapped up his mind so many times in the last months. The policy,

suggested Alf and gave the impr

man!", said Fr

ho was waiting for them with a beer case. So much fun an

, somewhere in the countryside of northern Belarus, was filled with near

d them. The leader of the Freedom Movement of the Rus looked nervously out the d

people...", said Tschistokjow quietly to

hours. Some of his men stood near the entrance with guns in their hands

served the World Government as administrators of the country. He called them "traitors", "criminals" and "bloodsuckers". Things like this, t

ked up some wooden steps and went to an amateurish looking speaker`s desk, his fellows ha

e. A very young boy came to the little stage and said reverently: "I`m proud to me

aring bunch of men in front of him. They looked up to him lik

...", he muttered to himself.

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