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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 838    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

upid bitch! Ridiculous! Only because they have smeared a

...eh...Artur Tschistokjow. Can you t

les perked his eyebrows up and tried to f

some members of the Freedom Movement of the Rus f

ing his dark beard and fetched

, with an embarrassed face, that his men did not have a "hot trace" so far. Then the news showed a

orkers!", was the text on the banner. This pleased the three

with rage. When I was in Vilnius, three weeks ago, I have noticed the increase of anger when I have talked to some citizens. Raising the tax

although they are just fake stuff and we luckily don`t h

l poorer than I have already expected it. I`m curious to see, when the fir

r, I like the organization of this Artur Tschistokjow. In the last day

t with them. Maybe we can wor

ess, it is very dangerous. We just don`t know these people and I

ht...", retur

hould do it together with HOK, because he knows the necessary secur

in this group too",

ot of problems, boys. Let`s ask HOK", meant

of Ivas. It was noon when they knocked on the door of the dilapidated house, in which the talente

t resounded throu

up, buddy!", called Kohlhaas

d the two visitors. Then the d

e dark circles under your eyes

xpert yawned and bli

n in front of the computer screen, for s

n?", asked Fra

ed the computer expert a

fice which was traditionally cluttered with all kinds of stuff and numerous boxes. In the middle of the room was a tab

rowled the fat guy and went into his kitchen,

appy fish from one illegal website to the next. The world of cyberspace

pered the freak, after he had found

gan "Freedom for Belarus!" lit up in big letters. Now, HOK`s fingers dance

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