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Prey World - Organized Rage

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 860    |    Released on: 06/07/2018


an website and explained: "

Frank, perking his dark eyebr

ntly to himself and a second l

hat also fights against the World Government. Ple

`ll wait…", s

nly communicate with this organization from your c

sewhere in the vastness of cyber

ed proudly and turn

ceived an answer", Frank told him.

ome bread and read a thick book full of science fiction stories

n Wilden, the village boss. On the next day, Kohlhaas got up early and immediately went to Wilden`s house. In addition, there was also Thorsten`s daughter Julia, who Frank wanted to invite for dinner in the next days. Actually, she was even a

ese Rus are just a bunch

here is a response to our email. What`s the

e boss and waved his young friend nearer. "Ha

novated only a few weeks ago. Large bookcases were everywhere around him. The gray-haired man rumma

ad never seen so many books in his whole life, because p

and ask", spoke the village boss. "The books are even or

nths in Ivas. I will remember your offer. However, whe

asked Wilden an

ly the aftereffect of my captivity in that holo cell. N

d quizzically. Now he had no

ve it, my boy!"

ia?", asked K

mother. I have been in the office or in

lied Frank, turned around and

eared his throat, as the bl

my father has let you go", joke

ook realm!", said Kohlhaas, searching des

him even more rarely

ng. We have to repair something. I just wanted to ask

ot? Nice ide

m with an expectant look, starting to grin. "On T



age boss with amusement and seemed to enjoy Frank`s nonplus. Kohlhaas le

real name. A little later, they went to Wilden with the printed out message. The village boss fetched a Russian dictionary from th

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