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One night stand..

Chapter 9 : Liam

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

orkout and train six days a week. Especially those of us who are looking to turn pro. There's only a few more weeks until the NFL Combine a

ody with all the family shit going on, not to mention

up your ass? Your aunt flo

etimes. Honestly, it surprises me that his girlfriend, Lexi, put

ckles. "I thought so. You've b

He's not telling me anything I don't already know. I have been in a crap mood lately,

fore I even pried my ey

e. Usually, I have to prod them into l

t blame me for wanting to wake up and

miles plastered across their idiotic faces. The two of them had been all too happy to tell me about the woman they'd found hauling ass from our apartment


are comp

own. The chick I'd had the best sex of my li

nd went back to sleep for a couple hours. I didn't think too much about it. I mean,

I was planning

e of a one-and-d


st inopportune of moments. Like at the gym, during class, or while I'm talki

he husky sounds that escaped from her softly parted lips when I sucked her nipples into my mouth. How she traced her fingers over the patterns of ink

seen more than its share of action these past two weeks. I'm like a

is rid

t's where I'm

a good pl

my friends, is precisely what has crawled up my ass. Now I ju

ugh. And the whole-not going to exchange names, which had seriously upped the whol

way to trac

I actually wanted

if I had. I knew the moment she walked through the back door of O'Brien's that she wasn't a regular. And she's not a Barnett student either

an becomes, the more obse

id I just admit t

. At this point

does that

t leaves me-up shit c

am I necessarily going to


ow what you're going to get with him. The guy is all about cracking jokes, his girlfriend, and football. He doesn't have a serious bone in

some family s

precisely why I don't need to get derailed over a hot piece of ass I nailed two weeks ago. No matter how fine that a

on squared away, and look into outpatient programs for my dad. Maybe figure out

ving early for the draft, but that doesn't mean I can allow my grades to tank. At some p


a chick who sprinted from my bed like her damn ass was

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