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One night stand..

Chapter 3 : Gia

Word Count: 1781    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

redibly gorgeous man, I might add-is attempting to sa

alking to this guy who rather thoughtfully asked if I was interested in havi

s time, looking the other guy up and down. A prickle of concern blooms in the pit of my belly. Maybe pla

e bit of fun? We'll need to stop and pick up some extra lube. I'm fresh out." He gives

mbles open

I hear him

me like a geyser. My teeth sink into my lower lip to stifle the giggles that are desperately trying to escape. The jacka

worse when

really w

ning one long finger down the other guy's chest. "I'm more of a to

efore slamming it shut again and shaking his head just once. Without a word, he spins around and darts into the thick c

ed that he's managed to scare off our potent

ed shoulders. "Guess I'm just

. "I can't believ

n that releases a deep dimple in his left cheek.

use a little help in fendin

think about the look of horror on that

mahogany-colored hair that is shaved close on the sides and spiked up into a fauxhawk. Deep gray eyes that seem to be a color somewhere between flint a

omething that looks

nor. How he went from harmless to

eeks out from the top of his collar. My gaze dips to his arms, which are covered in tattoo sleeves before bou

changes and all of a sudden, it feels too intense. Intuition tells me that this guy is way more dangerous than the o

ophie, who is still sitting alone at our tabl

g up the distance between u

the heat of his body radiating off him in suffocating waves

"That's probably

ea how he's managed to make me feel like a skittish schoolgirl instead of a secure, twenty-nine-year-old woman. The masculinit

ened in I-don't-know-how-long. I hate to admit it, but it's definitely been way more tha

the right thing in breaking up with Tyler. We weren't right for each



t drink is definit

on now,"

es it impossible to suck in a full breath of air. This guy, he may be young, but there's

space between his thumb and pointer finger. "We were this close to having a threes

so that I don't smile. The last t

e's f

es this guy have

st so p

c? I mean, anything is possible, right? My brother's band, The Renegades, have their fair share of g

the year that he has

s the only college around here, and h


contemplating the question. My heart kicks up a n

ng that drink is contingent u

Yet another re

rinflated ego and horrible pick-up line? Tha

es wedged in my

silent, he sig

oo guy with the very sexy

g up on thirty that makes him practically a baby. No matter how much my

ho said anyth

Disappointment crashes o

ep in retreat, knowing that I need to get out of here and away fr

uth turns cottony. My instincts prod me to turn tail and run. Even though we're about a foot apart, he doesn't crowd me. But that doesn't mean I'm

y matter if I'

t the bottom of my bell

ajoles, "that's a

hrough my veins, prodding me to forget my qualms for just a few careless hours. How strange is it that I'm so attuned to him when w

t's dan

the lines be

t doesn't come across as cocky or arrogant because clearly, he can back it up. It could be the intelligence radiating from his gray depths. A

r cute about him. This gu

than I've wanted so

practically feel the combustible heat brewing between us. One drink and

it won't end with on

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