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One night stand..

Chapter 6 : Gia

Word Count: 1992    |    Released on: 22/03/2023


least, that's the way it feels. It takes a few minutes t

pop out my con

tional explanation

sharp focus. As it does, I glance around. My br


. The memories are like a torrential rainfall dumped on my



t g

o wanted the threes

-haired guy with a

picks up

deliciously wicked th

that even gritty eyes can't diminish, it's not

that it could be so freeing to sleep with s


gives you total permissio


..I s

he slight smile widens into

in my life. All right...yes, I'd had a few drinks at the bar. I'm sure there's a small

uch liquor I had consumed, that guy would still be ridiculously ho

had seriously been that good. I almost want to lay here for a few blissful moments and ba

eous as I remember. Carefully, so as not to wake him, I turn my head


e lands on him in all his slumbering glory. Even i

s angled toward me. His chest rises

at I had a one night stand with a college guy. A guy

el complete

th a gorgeous younger man were on my buc

w ti

help but

n't be bold enough to do if he were awake. As my gaze falls to the generous curve of his li


keep my hands to myself. I don't want to wake him. Last night was way too amazing to taint with awkw

in the darkness stand out in sharp relief across his muscular body as early morning light pours through the unadorned window. Both his ches

is ti

shove it aside, unwilling t

e mattress squeaks and my heartbeat hitches. As my feet settle on the carpeted floor, I hun

y tore them off at the front door. FYI-that's another first for me. I almost wince at

reaths fill my ears as I move toward the closed door that leads into the hallway. Once I reach the


ill sac

I wore him o

s right. I


lothing, and get the hell out of here. Once I've safely

sy lemon

battery-operated boyfriend. Another tiny pang of regret slips through me as I think about


is to

ledge several times over the course of the night. And if

it. When it clicks, I cringe, and shoot another glance over my should

clothing, which are scattered around the entryway and living room. Twenty seconds later, I've scooped up all evidence from last night's shenan

to the entryway. I'm about to escape from the a

We have this whole anonymity thing going on. After last night, I would

g my bag tucked under the couch. How it got there, I

ugh the door. Make that two guys. Both are tall and broad in the

't know what

ste to scurry out of their way, I stumble back a few steps. He snaps

is more surprised by our n

els like I've been caught red-handed. The only thing that could make this mom

their curious g

ng that's why a smirk tips the corners of the blond guy's lips, which only m

t as sexy tattoo guy sack

d nudges his friend in the ribs. "I'm going to take a guess and as

y. "That lazy ass must still be lounging around in

s gleefulness. It's almost as if he's settling in for a nice long chat as he leans his powerful body against t

hat idea. I have a feeling that sexy tattoo gu

had a bad case of beer goggles last night when they hoo

ad that happen to you a

him is like gazing into the sun. For the life of me, I can't bring myself to

eck are t

s face?" He shakes his head, mustering up as much haughty

nversation before rolling his eyes. "You are seriously one conceited motherfucker

be clear, the blond is no slouch in the bulging muscle department either. "Explain how

d shoes clutched tightly in my hand, I interrupt their playful banter because

just fi

," my mind goes blank, which I'm going to blame on lack o

em before sprinting down the hall. As I near the stairwell, I stop and jam my fe

to calm my scattered nerves before hightail

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