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One night stand..

Chapter 2 : Gia

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

to head back to the relative safety of the table. Impatientl

When I'm finally ready to jump back into the dating pool again, it won't be with a drunk college kid

'm not interested in reliving t

w the female orgasm is achieved. And are willing to take the time to prove it. Let's just say that Tyler had a working

North Hill. We were introduced at a summer barbecue and hit it off


he same

re valu

job but was career

e's profession (me) and obsessed (Tyler). Over the last year, it became a

en between us, is so not going to happen, I get right to the point. "Sorry, I'm not interested." Th


I've just told this guy that I'm not interested i

esture of surrender as if to

ay to show me that

ot interested. That would go a lo

cept diffic


to be budging anytime

t the chance to

ou had in mind." With a sigh, I try one more time to maneuver

ves me a knowing grin. My guess is that since the

heart, you can

t wearing anything revealing-we're talking high

king to get laid. You're a

p. I know exactly what word is

his if you're not interested in a hookup." He shrugs as if he's doing me a favor by laying it all out on the tab



nd some change. I'm nowhere near cougar

aw in a deep, calming breath. "Ex

nd scrutinizes my f

e en

n't your parents teach you that it's


or MILF." I shake my head. "In the future, I wouldn't open with you trying to do any female a favor by sleeping with her. That's just asinine. If you actually find a woman who is wil

to be clear, you're not interest

minute. I'm here to watch the band, not get laid. Now

ance ignites inside me. "Look, I'm not inter

direction before return

istaken. It doesn't. The only thing ratcheting up are his chances of getting smacked. I have the feeli

lly cool with her joining us." His gaze rakes ov


is are the a

"Are you being s

disturbing on so many levels. Especially after everythin


ttled on my face. "Does it look like I'm r

plates me

up on clear social cuing? Even my second graders understand that a frow

o matter how much Noah begs and pleads. He'll have to step u

his is no

against a hard male one. Knocked off guard, I blink and stare into the most gorgeous gunmetal gray eyes I've ever seen. T

attention to the idiot blocking my escape. "Hey babe,

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