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One night stand..

Chapter 7 : Gia

Word Count: 1447    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

the get away driver for an armed robbery in progress. I peek out the back window, relieved to find there's no signs of li

hould take about fifteen minutes. Although, at this time of the morning, the streets are deserted, and th



There's something sexy about his edgy hairstyle

he drove us to his apartmen

eve it was cold

sly, who g

hen it's freeze-yo

ock band. Since I know nothing about him-other than the fact that he attends Barnet

d it. I kind of wish he hadn't. The last thing I need to do is attach a name to that gorgeous face. The less I know, t

out there again. After three years of a monogamous relationship, I'm

last night. A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. There'

o my house. There's a man sitting outside on the front porch steps. He's more th


my ex-boyfr

sort of sleep deprived delusion. When he doe


he doin

ven eight o'clock in the morning. That thought sin

wild tangle of my hair. It's not like I had time to freshen up before taking

not going to

s and my attention slices to the rearview mirror on

's probab

icle. He's the last person I want to deal with. I had my heart set on soaking my sore muscles in a hot bubb

the cement walkway toward the curb.

ed sick about you. Didn't you come home last

ere I spent the night until I remember that we're no longer together. I don't

hten my shoulders before asking a questi

earance. I have to tighten my hands in an effort not to smooth ov

ered as he says, "I wa

s road before. Numerous times. And nothing has chan

better for us to go our separate ways, he ended up agreeing with the idea. I mean, sure, he kicked u

d texting nonstop, wanting to work things out between us. I keep hearing lots


or a




le. He goes in early, stays late, and is normally gone on Saturdays. He's ev

s are admirable traits and qualities. This isn't a job to him.

career. On

ed to picture what our lives would look like a few years

kind of life I


gs now when the st

t. I just wish Tyler hadn't gotten it into his head that we should try and work out our differences. My guess is that he came to the realization that

nging endorsement for u

love yo

s at the declaration. Tyler isn't a bad guy. Not at all. I just thi

that even i

he stops about a foot away. One hand drifts to my cheek before cupping the side of my face in his p

alk?" When I fail to re

t wake up one morning and arbitrarily decide to end things. I agonized over it for weeks. In fact, I told him a few months befo

swirls through me and I feel myself caving even thoug


the word tumbles

actly wha

penance for

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