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One night stand..

Chapter 4 : Liam

Word Count: 2192    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

s ri

end with

ay I'm going to allow this woman to slip through my fingers. If I'd thought I wanted he

ut upon closer inspection, I realize that it's as black and silky as a raven's wing.

y fist as I tug her head, forcing her to arch that curvy little body as I thrust deep

learest blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. Even in

I could glimpse


xing poetically at this stage of the even

h humor as if we were old friends sharing a private joke. It had me wanting

she's no lo

er eyes s

ching me carefully. Intently. As if I'm a dangerous animal she no

sharp. Apparently, she

t will cause me to lunge. I have no intention of doing that. Although, I can't say the primal urge to give chase i

ate, "I appreciate what you did a few

her, she turns, hastily pushing her way through the crowd tow

can't take no for an answer. Instead of taking off after her, I watch and make sure that she gets ba

I'm throwing in the towel a


ake a moment, regroup, and come at her from a d

t is sti

yone is here to blow off steam. We won the conference championship last week, so spirits are still riding high. The whole universi

m this vantage point. Every time someone approaches her table, or what I consider to be a no-fly zone, my hand tightens around the bottle I'm holding. If I'm

ing isn't stalk



lly more chill when it comes to the opposite sex. I do

ngless conversation but my attention is locked elsewhere. I'm barely aware of the chicks who continue to hover, offering themselves up on a silver platter

see how this will play out. This might be another opportunity for me to run interference. At this poi

if they know each other. Like they're friends or maybe something more. A surge of unwanted jealousy shoot

fucked up. I've never felt this kind of possessiveness rush through my veins. It's discon

hed away from the table and am heading in their direction. I don't know what

ut of my way. If I'd hoped I would cool down before reaching them, that hasn't happened. If anything, I

rs every delicate feature. Not bothering to acknowledge an

lly think I was going to l


ok flashes ac

fortable-almost like he belongs at her side. His narrowed gaze collides with mine. There must

l it takes for my temper to ignite. I don't like her t

, ple

who was hassling you

e one who stepped in and helped." Her gaze slices pleadingly t

nd I'm able to draw in a deep breath. I throw a steely look over my shoulder to make sure we're not being follo

His gaze is pinned on us. Me, specifically. His brows stay lower

I sure as shit don't like the implication. I don'

e dude?"

her bottom lip. Damn but that's sexy as hell. I'm tempted to swallow up the distance

er fists on the curve of her hips.

her direction. She can't

throwing off my equilibrium-is one-sided. She has to feel

ing to have a problem when

one hell of a presumptuous asshole. And she'd be right about that. Regardless, that's

e end of the night, I'm going home with my frien

t of her body. And yet, it's not nearly close enough. It won't be enough until I've peeled off every piece of clothing from

t, summery fragrance. As her scent wafts over

esn't knock my hand away, I lean in until my lips can ghost over hers. Ther

one damn tas

satiate the desire burning inside me. All she needs to do is give me a few hours of

we'll bot

ts to hear. What she needs to h

strictly no-strings attached deal. Whatever fantasies you've kept locked aw

es from her parted lips arro

y mouth can feather across hers. Once. T

I knew s

oking, stoking the fires within. I want her as hot and needy for me as I am for her. My cock is already rock h

r the night. I pull away enough

it matt

now-is he yo

e that as a testament to the affect my kisses have o

nod toward her friends. "Tell them you're

more time. What I want is to be b

toward the group crowded around the table, staring at

I don't have

" she

ped around my

the mood to f

at was the only way she was



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