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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 10 : Carter

Word Count: 1534    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

can the tiered rows until spotting the back of Daisy's head. Even with her long ha

days. I've been busy with football, so it's possib

mption that I'm pissed about the

et her


m it, a

had zero interest in meeting up with her later that night. The only reason I'd taken Jackie home in the

ead and bite


ish I could say that those qualities weren't attractive, but th

'm like a hawk zeroed in on its prey while making

slim column of her neck

ought is just disturbing

I take. But I can't seem to help myself where Daisy is concerned. I don't want to be, but I'm

drive me over the edge. This whole living-together situation was a big mistake. I never should have agreed to it. But I caved because part

see two girls waving, trying to capture my attention. I really should sit by them and bask in their adoration for the

ision made,

hat the hell is g

lize that she's angled in her seat toward him. I've caught this motherfucker watching her more th

ride, I head down the steps. People greet me along the way, but I ignore them. I can't focus on anything other than the chick who has been the ban

ss to want someo

t's even wor

s been out a handful of times since we moved in. Can you blame a guy for

that guy's face when I came out of the

n a word,

loom over her. Sensing my presence, she swivels her head until

ever sit by each other. By unspoken agreement, we preten


at the guy ne

a brow in response, wonde

ude. I'm not g

With his tail tucked between his legs, he gathers up his shit and vacates to the back of

y's smarter


er as she hisses, "What

k on the floor and slide onto the chair next to

hat guy away." Dai

er grind her back m

d is a sweet sym

g us with a pissed-off expression on his face. It's a douchey

what kind of boyfriend would I be to let my baby mama sit wi

s turn the mottled red of a tomato. It's on the tip of my tongue to po

at our neighbors who are watching us wit

've been dying to do for years. I flatten my hand across her lower abdomen and fan out my fingers. Heat fl

ingers one by one from her belly and whips

ter. Like hell, she'

cussion with another student. Taking advantage of the situation, I turn to our

ly. "He's joking. I'm not his girlfriend." She glares at me again

le. "Is that any way to t

mouth and grates, "I'm wa

e problem? I'm just trying to do the r

first. "I swear to God, if you s

shake with si

o losing it, Daisy g

"That's not what you said this morn

mps in her seat, burying her face in her hands. She sniffles as if she m

nd tell everyone behind us

no foul

. As soon as I do, she whips around to face me again. Her fingers

s and snarls, "Sleep with one eye open, Prescott. 'Cause

but the sound dies a


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