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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 9 : Daisy

Word Count: 2028    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

hen counter, I dig into a heaping bowl of Cap'n Crunch. It's not


'm the last person he would check out. Then he had the audacity to tell me that my bi

apped at the same party. More than a handful of times, I felt the heat of his gaze on me. It took every ounce of

holds so much

t home a girl at the end of the night. It wasn't even the same ch



t like

. As Carter is about to discover, payback is a bit

It was difficult, but I didn't allow that incident to ruin my day. Instead, I

peanut butter-flavored cereal and patiently bide my time. I don't have to wait long. Ten minutes l

up is caked under her eyes, giving her a raccoon-ish appearance,

ay, and she has sleepy, come-hither eyes going on that clearly s


this guy

I'm turning agai

sits up and takes notice. My gaze slides over his muscular chest before I can yank it away. A swirl of dark hair arrows down his six-pack abs to the

that last thoug

rns and presses her palms against his sculpted pecs and star

efinitely fun,"

Its raspy tone shoots straight to my core before exploding like a firework.

remind myself harshly

ly human. And apparently, very weak. Not wanting to find him d

Sigma Taus are having a huge bash tonight if you're

ke a perv for watching a private moment unfold

ng on," he says evasively. "

wants to keep

really some

but I'm about to do her a hu

At the sound of my feet hitting the floor, they both turn

es widen in surprise. Carter's expression turns to one of curiosity. He's known me long enough to realize that something i

s his lips a

a real pleasure to wipe t

hint of pathetic whininess to fill my voice. "Yo

rl's gaze bounces between u

ding just the right amount of bitterness, and jerk my thumb in Carter's dir

he points at Carter as if there must

I shake my head sadly and swipe at a tear that has yet to fall. "He just can't seem to keep his dick in his pants." I sniffle. "My adv

nites in her eyes. "Is that true? Do you two live together?

arter, I flash him a full-wat

we live together." Even though Hookup Girl

s point, but somehow ma

t my tummy, settling a hand on the forced curve. "You're alw

hey look like they're on the verge of falling out

it hurts when you bring your one-night stands home to throw in my face?" I rub my belly and add, "And what

my accusations, Hookup Girl whips around and slaps h

" She bristles with outrage. "How could you

ver my mouth an

ecting anger, ju

voice, "I'm going to give you the number of my dad's firm. He's a lawyer who goes after deadbeat dads." She glares at Carter like he's the scum of the earth while rooting around in her purse and

k by how far this prank

re than a joke. But before I have a chance, she storm

d before, it's all but crackling now. His stoic expression looks like it's been carved from s

y hand. "I'm, ah, just going to throw this away." I

we stand toe-to-toe and glares down at me. His irises have turned an

iniest clue as to what he's thinking, but his expression is closed off. The re

ing me in. My heart stutters a painful tattoo under my breast as his face looms closer. My breath wedges in my lungs. I'm not sure if it's from his nearness or his barely restra

uldn't b


the line

ke a

maybe it'll diffuse some of the fury flashing in his eyes. The fact that he hasn't lost his temper

lips. Nerves dance along my skin when hi

his head

n my throat as he lowers his lips to the side of my face.

tly cheek sliding against my smoother o

reaten to collapse. I lock th

hat's wrong?" he mocks. "Where'd all your bravado

elf into. I'm embarrassed to admit that my panties are flooded with heat.

here I can't inspect it too closely. Clearly, I

t be too diff

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