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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 4 : Daisy

Word Count: 1285    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

e coming through the front door wi

f the kitchen. She's wearing a pretty sundress, with her long blond hair pulled bac

, she mixes together a macaroni salad for the Labor Day barbecue she and my uncle are hosting. Everyo

It's probably one of the only perks to having a cousin who plays in a Division I football prog

bristle in irritation. I'd normally hit back with an equally disparaging remark, but I'm

ut a pair of tight briefs that hug his sculpted torso dance through my head. It kills me to admit that

nd enjoys drawing, I can to

t from my head befo

wn ever was. I have so many fond memories of pulling up a stool and pouring my heart out to Aunt Marnie while

ed when my parents decided to call it quits. Everyone who knew them saw it coming like a train collision in slow motion. I think the only reason Mom and Dad hung on for as long as they did was because

's married, with two kids who are my half-siblings. I've only met them a handful of times, so it's hard to consider them family. The few times I flew out for visits felt awkward, like I was staying with strangers. The last

tly on her fourth marriage and galivanting around Europe. Frederique, her husband, h

ard Uncle Craig mutter under his breath that she was a flake. And that's putting it nicel

's currently located. Last year was Monte Carlo. The summer be

.boo hoo

s me shopping, buying me whatever I want. We lunch and fill our days with

ke a girlfriend she just met yachting in the South of France and confides details I'd prefer not to know about t

e shortly. Even though I really liked husbands number two and three, I don't bother getting attached

bigger ban

to earth and sensible. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and works in the emergency room at the local hospital. My mother has a de

e in Monte Carlo. After three days with my whirlwind of a mother

issue with that state

a wack

deep voice resonates thro

him an affec


h on edge. It annoys me that Noah

about Carter Prescott a

e after his antics the other night. "You are in no way, shape, or form rela


ing bitch. Not only am I pissed at him, but now I'm an

a sharp, disapproving look. "Daisy, that's n

front of Carter makes it even worse and has me simmering while silently plotting his death. A

another mother," she quips

nose. "That's gross, Mom.

ywhere in Carter's vicinity. He's probably smi


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