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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 2 : Daisy

Word Count: 1504    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

e. And not in the way I

room and plops himself down on the ugly, oversized recliner situated acros


'm about to blow a gasket, Carter lifts his

ant, as if he's not strutting around pra

know what to make

s if Carter is a horrific traffic accident

uch the

rewn across the pavemen

et my hands on Carter, he

unately, both Logan and I are treated to an e

seriously ju

the side of his mouth, "Who is this guy

direction as if what's happening is perfectly normal. "Oh..

ession would be comical. Sadly, this is not one of those occasions. My prospects for the evening have off


confused look. "Yo

hat will smooth over the situation and get us back on track. But my

ith two dudes," Carter

torts with shock

d I clear my now bone-dry

es a finger between us, "a thing? Because I'm not ge

that sounds ridiculously loud in the stillness of the

t he remains quiet. I'm going to throttle him with my bare

ousin," I mutter.

eclining with his legs spread and his manhood proudly on display, my date q

ords, I know that as promising as our

hirls toward me. "Sorry, Daisy. Whatever you've got going on here

hat Logan has a

and sc


t," Log

w tells me that there'

that I'm a serial killer intent on making lampshades out of his hide. I don't bother getti

tention hard enough he


or closes with a

ff so quickly?" A smile hovers around the edges of his lips, and I grit my teeth. It takes e

the evening." I tap my chin a few times. "Whereas you prancin

clears his throat and admonishes, "I hope

ake before I totally lose it. And I've just approached the limit. I'

hes a brow as if I'm slow

I fold my arms across my chest and s

d teammate, which is how I got roped into this

e it'll be, Daze. Seni

.not s

und in his super-tight, leaving-absolutely-nothing-to

ah, right.

sn't he up for a party or heading to the

ark hair, piercing gray eyes, and athletic build honed from years of playing football and lacros

g to oth


hey're extremely interesting. "Maybe I wanted to spend the evening

simmering in the background, since freshman year and has yet to wane. I've told myself repeatedly that it's not a big deal to feel attracted to someone you're barely able to t

ng space with Carter. But there's nothing that can be done about it now. I'm locked into the rent

t kil

y bare

I'm able to g

om the chair and stands, stretching his arms overhead. All of his muscles ripple and tighten. My mouth drie

he have to be

nd a throbbing ache has already taken up re

l get dresse

snaps up

nd. I'm going to head out after all." The smirk broadens into a grin. "Looks

ght. I grab the television remote from t

tches the sleek black controller in

rops the remote onto the recli


nd an evening at home chilling out. He was lying in wait, hanging a

and bury my fa

deep breaths, or I'm going to commit a felon

iving arrangement, and already I

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