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Love to Hate You.

Chapter 8 : Carter

Word Count: 934    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

eant to do was encourage Daisy to cover up that delectable little body of hers. Instead, all I've managed to do


's hot as balls out here. What I need is another dip in the pool. B

girl responsible for

owns. Even though she's wearing sunglasses, I feel the burn of them like a physical assault. It's been that way since the

ousin. He'd chop off my nuts and roast them over an open fire. If

clouds my head. But it's not

. Hell, all I want is to protect her from guys like me, too. It d

ise the bottle of water I'm holding in a silent toast. Her body tenses an

haven't eaten red meat in years. With that little pink and black bikini, I can't blam

er shapely ass, I sear

hell is

ting a stop to this BS. I'm tempted to put a stop to it mysel

not my


ext to me. He gives me a lazy grin and stretches out as if settling in for the next few hours. In this heat

" are the first wor

p. It's like we can read each other's minds. Thank God Noah has no idea what's going throug

he's a few months older than him-but he tr

lbows as something at the far

hoping that he's caught on t

d back and lets loose a loud peal of laughter, which is odd because she's normally quiet. Her golden-brown hair is piled on the top of her head in a messy bun. S

to think about

Noah woul

g Ashley, and although there are guys on the team who enjoy having a girlfriend and a piece of ass on

a new friend this afternoon,

good with it. In fact, I prefer it this way. I would hate to d

't take the bait. But then again, it's probably for the best, because Ashley, al

ets, settling her bo

traction and this girl will do rather nicely, I give her a slow smile in

he looks noth

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