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The boy next Door.

Chapter 10 : Colton

Word Count: 1244    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

nd that, I'm unwilling to do. So, I go with something believable. "I dunno, just kind of feels like this relationship has run its course." When her eyes widen, I f

a sharp breath. "What?" Whatever she

wall beyond her. If I don't, I'll drop to my knees and

eternity as far as I'm concerned. But I'm over

aving a difficult time wrapping her lips aroun


ver with. Bile rises in my throat as I throw the q

er cheeks, drains away as she slo

and consoling her. My words are ripping her apart and it's excr

from between clenched teeth. "I

nod. "It's better to walk aw

bubbles up from her throat.

, I blurt them out. "I'm sorry." It's probably the only

am. It's the first time she's ever looked at me that way. It takes effort


hing that d

lf before sh

gain, she holds up the phone. "Instead of acting like a man, you sent me a lame-ass text." Alyssa falls silent, al

t, she's right. That's exact

ng like a grade-A asshole. It's almost impre

voice escalating, echoing o

e a rhetorical question,

n bewilderment as if silently going over the autopsy

s is enough to break me. I hate myself f

snaps her fingers as the brightness in her eyes returns. If she los

t glumly, nearing

o say." She shakes h

ine of her expression. "I realize there's nothing I can say that will change your mind." She forces out a bitter laugh. "An

le. She has way too much pr

nces away. "You know what sucks the most?" Before I can answer-not that I was going to-she conti

t making it impossible to breathe. Death would be prefera

er lips as her gaze slices to me

ied deep beneath the surface before it can undo the chaos I'v

eyes. If she searches hard enough, deep enough, she'l

shift, tempted to flee from not only this building, but her. My chest

es that she loves m

en my own mother

ly wrong with me if she was able

nd that I can't be the

rm. She deserves better. I know it, even if she doesn't. It's only a matt

more th

It was a gamble." I shrug, wanting to appear nonchalant. "You rolled the dice, and it came up snake eyes. You should be giving me props for remaining faithful this long. As much as I've enjoyed your unicorn pussy, this whole exclusiv

hand away before shoving both palms against my ch

ou really are an ass


kfully, she k

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