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The boy next Door.

Chapter 2 : Alyssa

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

eshman year

A girl walking in the opposite direction knocks into me as we make our way through the throng of

ng my arm. "Unfortunately for y

ng working on a paper that needs to be turned in for this class. If it had been any other instructor,

th thi

so far, I can say with absolute authority that they are all true. He's already made a couple of

a dance solo I choreographed for the annual showcase at the end of the

n't that

e become mired in. My head whips up and any haz

y rare on campus. There are times when I have the s

how craz

ss campus, "that certainly woke you up. Probably mo

l isn't

ball player. I've been crushing on him for four years. Deep down, I was hoping

y, hasn't turned o

football games. I even allowed a friend to talk me into a blind date with her cousin. That, by the way


hing to do with you. It's painful. And a little bit humiliating. I can have a

am. Still lusti

is a twelve-

ittle taller and broader than everyone around him. His hair is cut short on the sides and left long on top

more than one occas

could get c

It's not even nine o'clock in the morning and he's surrounded on al

every girl on campus."

" my bestie oh-so-

der isn't

y grunt i

we were going to go all the way. We'd been in the pool. The making out had turned decidedly hot and heavy. I'd take

amazing. Amazing enough for the rowdy party around us to fall away. Just when I t


t and sexual

ended with him walking away. It's funny-in a not so amusing kind of way-that the one guy


urse," she tac

I flash her a grin before

is best friend, Beck. Although, I'm pretty damn sure the guy has a major thing for her. In fact, I have my suspicions that something might have happened between them at

ll, who knows when I'll see him next. Electricity sizzles through my veins as our gazes collide. It takes

nd another guy who makes me feel the way Colt

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