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The boy next Door.

Chapter 3 : Colton

Word Count: 898    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

g of fresh

e of the double doors and carefully slip inside the darkened space. A few pe

ut in front of her, she holds the pose before slowly folding in half and sweeping her arms across the floor. The spotlight shining

I mi

e sho

s through the summer. Honestly, there is no down time. Especially when you play Division I college sports. It's more like a job. I wish I'd known that when I signed my NC

e. Then, I'll probably go on to business school. We'll see. That's yet to be determined. As much as I love the game, I don't f

r will be

h my still-damp hair




heavy curtain rises, and the violin section of the orchestra take up their instruments. My heart stutters as my gaze fastens on her. Carefully I lower myself back down onto the seat. The l

ed shirt that bares her midriff and a black matching booty sho

only she can see. Even from this distance, the expression on her face is one of intensity.

soars across the space, using every square inch of the stage. My breath catches, becoming trapped in my chest as I lean forward. My gaze greedily follows every movement. Every arc and bend.

stupid, bu

stage. Everything abo

e around me to fall away. And then i

ppy about it, but I love Jenna. As far as stepmothers go, she's a keeper. A hell of a lot better than my biological mother who took off when I was five years old and


e, I would do it. Once the lights dimmed and the curtain was raised, I'd popped an earbud in and settled back in my seat, fully prepared to waste th

are at Alyssa the way I wanted to, but in a darkened theater, I could spend a couple of hours feeding the inte

assuring part, was that sh

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