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The boy next Door.

Chapter 8 : Alyssa

Word Count: 1680    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

eek l

very molecule from my body. Repeating the process, I focus on my breathing. I can almost feel the break down of lactic acid that has built up in my muscles during the intense sixty-minute practice. After a few more deep breaths, I sit up and shift my legs befor

nch Ballet, travelled the world. Most of the female dancers have a massive crush on him. A few of the male dancers do as well. I can't bla

on, he claps his hands. "Excellent work," he says in

feet before rushing toward him. Once he's flanked on all s

etches next to me, and roll my eyes. "What a

ard the growing swarm outfitted in Lycra. "Apparently they haven't figur

aps they're hoping to pe

he distance between us before

d not!"

"I mean, come on. Just look at the man." Her voice goes a little d

Monsieur Dupre is, I only have eyes for one man. And

it," she admits with a laugh. "I told him that I'd b

r arm as my eyes pop

rins and shoots another glance in our teachers' dir


tinues blithely,

e bending to the left, holding the pose, and then repe

a bottle of water and raising it to my lips. Once the container has been drained, I stuff it in the bag and pull on an oversized

dful of students, and exit the studio. Even though I'm tired from a ful

arents went through a rough patch and were at each other's throats, dance is what got me through the hard times. If I couldn't es

do if I cou

d I be w

to that. It's an inte

wn studio. During high school, I started teaching ballet and jazz classes. It's something I enjoy. I'

llusion that it

ut I do

akes me

es the wo

has a fierce program with dancers from around, not only the country, but the world. Guest instructors are brought in from the most elite programs. A number of dance

" she asks. "After such a gru

. I could eat." Truth be told, I can

can I

ous love affair with pasta. I'm

ine, my phone chimes with an incoming message. I slip the cell f

ickens as Colto


able that we've been tog

the I love you bomb after sex. I couldn't help myself. It had nee

ways each and every day. Little things that make my heart beat into overdrive. Like opening the car door for me, stroking his fingers ge

future, I'm hoping Colton will come to the realization that what we have is special and he loves me. I know enough

illiam Dutton fine arts building. It takes a moment for the words to sink in. As they do, my footsteps falter and I grind to a halt. My gaz

swings around before hoisting the strap of her

l me to get out of the way. When I remain silent, Zoe's fingers lock around my

ace to capture my attention as co

ing them to morph into something else

is a

s voice softens as she ca

. "Ummm, sorry to bale," I mumble, unable to rip my gaze away from the scr

o a frown as she shifts h

ad continues to spin. "Sorry

g on, but if you need me

head. "Than

ys, sounding dubiou


e you on

ading over the message again, I stab the call button and hold the phone to my ea


eally doing

as I stab the red end button and hit redial. When it goes straight to voicema

ally do

r his shoulder, and burn our

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