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The boy next Door.

Chapter 6 : Alyssa

Word Count: 2027    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

f sophomo

en though it's mid-October, the temperature is still seasonable and I'm able to wear Colton's red and black jersey over a turtleneck. He gave it to me a couple of w

g his jersey

wake from. It's my reality. I'm dating Colton Montgomery. Eve

to happen? No way in hell. How could I when Colton went to such great lengths to avoid me? First in high school, then at college. If we were paired up toge

nt. Just when I'd decided to put Colton Montgomery behind me and mo


in a state

he has. But he's never been one to ge


of a better term

e a skittish animal I need to approach with both caution and patience. So far, I've let him set the pace and that seems to be working. I'm

. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of these bitches shanks you in t

ve up the stadium stairs in search of seats. There are a lot of thirsty bitches around here waiting for an op


ill can't

little happy dance. Although, I think Mi

looking, he's a first-string wide receiver for the Wildcats. The idea of dating a guy like him is much akin to capturing a mythical unicorn

happened to make h

to wake up and say that he's not interested in being with one girl when there are a ton of them willing to

Colton Montgomery-I think there's more to it than that. He's surprisingly more guarded than I realized. It's almost as if Colton puts up a facade for everyone around him. Only now am I starting to peel back the la

ng to know Colton on a deeper level. He's not the guy I assumed he was. There's so much more to

ir rendition of our school song and the players jog onto the field in a wave of red and black. Even though there's ninety guys on the team, my gaze cuts through them, locking on number twenty-fiv

r own. I tear my gaze away fro

the corners of her lips. "I

und the edges. "

d as if giving serious consideration to the q


if it's the NFL, college, or high school. In our house, it's a religion. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are days of worship in the Williams household. That meant loads of BBQ chicken

ef blows a whistle, throws up

brows drawing together as

alty for holdi

our offensive guys grabbed hold of the other team's defensive player while tryin

nd a word you're saying." She touches her face. "Am I having a stroke? Am I able to smi

et their heads out of their asses, I just might." I point to the field and explain, "N

fled by what's happening. "Why doe

r. "It's a good t

w I've never been a fan of th

hy I appreciate you tagg

," she shrugs,

of what you'll ex

"Don't worry, I'll come up wit

e watch Gilmore Girls. She knows I can't stand that damn show. Usually, I'

e settles on Colton as he jogs off the field. His gaze coasts over the student section before zeroing in on me an

om my lips before

ove my head? Because I think there might be. If

ing for him,

re like a statement. An

r nearly a decade. We've always been straightforward with one another. Even though she won't like the answe

gnawing on it. Concern flickers

, I blurt, "He's not th

's only been pretending to be a playe

s. It's a complicated question. One I don't have an answer

n the field. It's so much easier to focus on th

s her head on my shoulder. "The last

th Colton. He's always been the king of hookups. The guy is nineteen years old and this is the first time he's been in a relationship. I

est at heart. When it comes down to it, all she's try

h a snort, "you don't know t

ia carefully weighs each move that she makes, I've a

ten me int

t's the way

re's a beat of silence before she adds with in a s

ruth of her words, I press my

I'm in love

u so damn well. She's able to figure out all your dirty li

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