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Innocence and Corruption

Chapter 6 Return of the prodigal son

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 28/12/2021


und crusted in blood. They had been found in a barn near the battlefield. Furlo knew better to dodge,

his teeth. “Find him!” He yelled, before settling back down at the table in front

r Jozin. He knew Jozin would have to be near death to retreat from the battlefield. But if he

hich pissed him off even more. They had taken

hrone, when Terrance continued forward. He would place truste

d impregnate his woman. If Jozin still did not wish to marry, like he had refused back

o serve his son. And she would serve him all day and night in every way. When the grand

child as he had trained his own son. That tho

ble of Furlo, who sounded excited. Terrance rolled his eyes, as he swallowed the

had been sent on a task, he better have a good excuse for leavi

ed sick. Terrance could not hold back the smile. But suspicion wormed its way t

spoke calmly but his son’s guarded expression said he b

the offered chair. He turned slightly as he

times already. “Thank you, father.” Jozin said, forking his food but r

the chair’s position was turned the other way so that Terrance was direct

size bites Jozin used to finish quickly. Terrance’s lip went up in a disgusted snarl but

ft his son’s lips. His son swallowed the entire

man on the battlefield.” Terrance’s eyes flashed with the phrase,

ward, a storm of violence waging in his eyes. “What does this man look like? We shall find him and..” he pa

onse. “Well, depending on what you did with the d

y. Terrance was not going to have death stinking this city. Of course, his men buried

chin and thinking about what his son had told hi

attle for any reason. That would show weakness on h

n smile could be quite friendly. He was well aware of the nick

y and show the people we are not as awful as legend dictates.” His laughter was cold. “They will have a w

lum. Terrance nodded back, knowing Jozin expecte

he room. His son was returned, they held the c

ime to c

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